For those who are following these inspiring stories of women-entrepreneurs, Kim Lewis is a true gem.
For those who are following these inspiring stories of women-entrepreneurs, Kim Lewis is a true gem.
After leaving a corporate culture, she took on developing and marketing eco-friendly, clean and green skin care products to women. Her company Yellowstone Bees is one of the leaders on the market that celebrates its growth on the daily basis.
Kim shares her product ideas and qualities, plus how Yellowstone Bees skin care products benefit our health, with us all today.*****
CelebrateWoman (CW) Who is the primary target for your Yellowstone Bees product?
Kim Lewis (Kim) Women! Of all demographics, any age, any nationality!
CW What is the #1 reason someone should buy Yellowstone Bees product?
Kim For your own natural beauty! Healthy, healthy, healthy skin with truly natural body care products like ours!
CW How is the Yellowstone Bees product different than your #1 competitor?
Kim Our #1 competitor in the natural personal care industry is Burt’s Bees. They are a good company and we have nothing bad to say about them. Some of our ingredients and certainly many of our beliefs and philosophies are similar.
Their positioning is very different from ours though. They were recently bought by Chlorox and now with that large corporation’s distribution channels you can find Burt’s Bees “everywhere”. This isn’t always a positive as they are becoming “common.”
Our products are still unique and special, and we do well in independent boutique types of stores – health food stores and gift shops especially…where customers, particularly women-buyers, are looking for something new, something special.
We also tend to use a lot more aromatherapy types of ingredients that are known for good skin care than Burt’s Bees. Our packaging is more geared towards a feminine appeal.
CW What benefits will a person receive when using Yellowstone Bees product regularly?
Kim Smooth skin, wonderful aromas, without any harmful side affects. Many of our products offer customers a “delicious” experience…especially our bath and spa products like the Sunshine Body Polish and our aromatherapy bath oils.
Some products are targeted for healing, the natural way of course, such as our foot balms, lip balms, and cuticle crème.
CW How does the price of the Yellowstone Bees product compare to others in your category?
Kim Most of our products are what we call an “affordable luxury.” We are not the cheapest on the market but that is deliberate and is related to the high quality of our ingredients.
Some products like lip balms are priced exactly the same as our main competitors. Others such as our bath and spa products are a little pricier but definitely worth the investment, according to the customers that love these products.
CW Everyone is talking these days about being green. To me, that includes being Fair Trade, being sustainable, and organic. It might even include using alternative energy, or buying energy offsets. How does your company, your product, measure-up on these important issues?
Kim See our listing on and – two reputable sites that review and list vendors with good green policies. We also were just accepted by The Green Bride Guide.
We minimize our packaging, and where possible use recyclable paper and containers. Some of our ingredients are organic such as those in our soaps and all other ingredients are sourced from reputable suppliers that often have their own green policies – Mountain Rose Herbs, New Directions, to name a few.
CW When someone reads the ingredients from the label on Yellowstone Bees product, what would you like them to notice?
Kim Notice how simple, recognizable and easy to pronounce all of our ingredients are. That’s because they are recognizable as “real ingredients”, often ingredients that you would even find in your food. Everyone knows sunflower oil, olive oil, lavender, peppermint, dead sea salts, cocoa butter, etc.
CW When someone looks at the packaging of your product, what do you want them to see?
Kim How “clean and simple” it looks! Most people don’t realize that more than 60% of what they are paying for when they buy personal care and cosmetic products is completely and totally related to only the packaging.
We put most of our money into what’s inside the jar because that’s what’s going onto someone’s body. We do strive for a clean feminine look in our packaging. We also try to keep the packaging recyclable (in some cases like the creams, it’s necessary to use a bit stronger container to preserve the product).
CW Is it Certified: Organic, Kosher, or Halal, or have any other special dietary certifications?
Here are campaigns and certifications we either pursue or have already established:
• Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.
Leaping Bunny (in process) [FYI: Leaping Bunny logo is provided to the
companies that show No Animal Testing in independent audits. This logo
is considered to be high standards in cosmetics. The Coalition for
Consumer Information on Cosmetics promotes ban on animal testing and
Leaping Bunny logo.]
• USDA Certified Organic soaps.
CW Where can my readers find Yellowstone Bees product to buy it?
Kim Our products are most often sold in natural food stores, gift stores, pharmacies and other specialty retail stores. We are growing nationwide but not yet located everywhere.
Online 24/7 your readers can buy Yellowstone Bees products at and at our own website or just call us toll free at 888-530-5601.
CW Where can my readers go to learn more about Yellowstone Bees product?
Kim Go to and check out our Natural Ingredients Library. Every product listed on the website has a complete ingredients listing linked to the library. Each product also has a “scent guide.” Or call us and we’ll send out a hard copy of our product guide and scent guide.
We also just launched our Facebook fan page and within one week have over 100 fans! We’re very excited to have this great community of fans and encourage anyone new to Yellowstone Bees to sign up on Facebook and learn about us from other fans and have access to special offers and natural skincare tips and advice on our Facebook site.
Kim has an inspirational way to live her life and lift other women to their soaring height. All done with a natural power of her eco-friendly lotions, soaps, air freshners. Smells do evoke our memories, spirits, energy to go forward and enjoy every step of labor of love. What is your labor of love? Share your dreams and beautiful thoughts with us. Liberate yourself by taking action.