RECAP: Business world of coconut industry is huge. To make a mark on the industry, as well as on the lives of millions of people, is an incredible achievement. SaraJean Cameranesi is doing it every day of her life with her Coconut World company that specializes on production and distribution of the coconut sugar.
I have a few additional questions to ask you, of a more personal nature.
My blog was originally directed at weight loss motivation. My readers, however, are constantly asking me about healthy products that I may recommend. When I told the story of a woman who struggled starting a business to create a healthy product, my readers jumped in and asked for more.
Of particular interest to my readers is how women who start, or lead businesses dedicated to healthy products, manage their weight issues on a daily basis – especially when juggling the added roles of wife and mother.
So, would you mind sharing with us your weight issues and experiences?
CelebrateWoman (CW) Have you had weight challenges along the way, especially when you started being involved with your business?
SaraJean Cameranesi (SaraJean) I really did not have any weight challenges in my life. I was an athlete since I was eight. I gained a lot within the first two years of college. That was the only time I struggled with my weight.
Regular exercises and my love for jogging and water sports have helped me to shed those extra pounds and keep me in shape ever since.
CW What is the #1 way you motivate yourself to control your weight?
SaraJean I always thought that whatever I do I need to enjoy it. Same with exercise. Running and dancing are great loves of my life. I also enjoy being outdoors and get advantage of fresh air, water, wild trails. Being outdoors relaxes me and provides energy for everything else I do in my life.
CW What would you tell my women readers who go through their own weight management issues in their busy lives?
SaraJean Getting more fit is hard. Find something that keeps you going and doing it daily. You need to enjoy the process if you want to make physical exercise part of your life. Then, you’re good to go for many, many years.
If you would like to learn more about business and SaraJean Cameranesi, Please read here:
A Woman Who Never Stops Moving
Healthy Foods Are Great For Blood Sugar Levels
Get Teenagers To Eat Veggies Burritos
PS: If you have any questions to SaraJean Cameranesi, please leave them in the comments below. She will definitely read and answer them.
PPS: If you know a woman-entrepreneur who has created healthy product(s), please let me know, so we could spread the word about her and her contribution to this planet.
Disclosure: I only write about products I believe in personally. I am not compensated for my opinions.
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