How many times have you been on a diet? How many times you were promised to lose weight and be happy again? The thing is almost all diets and weight loss plans work and allow you to lose weight. What is missing from this equation is the Re-GAIN part of the weight that you just have lost.

Most of the diets out there have you eating 1,000 calories a day. In fact, Weight Watchers has a patent on how they make sure you ONLY eat 1,000 calories a day with their pre-packaged food.
But Jenny Craig and NutriSystem, as well as a host of other well-known weight loss programs, all push you into eating about 1,000 calories less a day than your body requires. They may fancy it up with pre-packaged foods, give you pills to kill the hunger, or employ any number of strategies to make you eat less. One even uses an extract from pregnant mare urine (hCG) to make you ignore the hunger signals.
But, one way or another, the intent of the weight loss programs is to get you to eat a lot less food (hCG has you eating ONLY 500 calories a day, 1/4 your basic metabolism requirement — that mare urine really better work or you’ll get monstrously hungry).
The question that is never, or almost never, been asked before attempting any weight loss program is How Is My Body Going To Interpret And Accommodate Me With All These Changes During and After This Weight Loss Process? You may discover What and How on weight Re-GAIN here.
21 thoughts on “Weight Loss Doesn’t Happen In A Wink. But Weight Re-GAIN Is the Opposite”
Diets are soooooooo confusing. I just eat right and exercise more if I feel a few pounds creeping in (which I do feel right now!).
Its hard to lose weight but re gain was so fast. I think we need to motivate our self that keep loosing weight.
I know someone that is had a diet planning like this, it is effective. I will share this with my cousin. She really needs it.
I’m victim to the regain monster too, put much more on that I lost 🙁
Weight gain is an issue, which is very popular these days. Informative post. Thanks for sharing.
I really do not believe in dieting my point of view is more on having a balanced nutrition and practice moderation
That’s definitely true. Weight gain happens so fast. It’s tough to follow a diet regimen that you don’t enjoy and because of this, you tend to stray away from your diet and eat whatever you want.
To loose weight and keep it off involves a life style change which includes exercise in my opinion. I love how you through in there about the mare urine which I have heard about in diet pills. lol
I have a fairly easy time losing weight . It’s the regain that kills me. I wish there was a secret.
I’ve seen many people try these types of diet plans only to gain it all back. I prefer to make a change in my choice of foods – it’s a lasting lifestyle change.
hcg in a diet program? Oy!! Count me out. Why would someone even think that was acceptable in any way?
I try not to gain weight but sometimes it just happens. Great tips! Hopefully this time I can defeat the regain process.
It takes a commitment or you will get the regain
There is such a fine line when trying to lose weight. The key is to find the balance for your body. Too many calories and you gain weight, but too few calories and your body won’t burn them properly either. Good tips.
Weight gain does work faster than loss. Great points.
You make such a good point! It seems cruel that weight gain can happen so easily and yet we have to work so hard to lose weight!
I’ve tried hCG before and while limiting your calorie intake to just 500 a day is very challenging (more often than not I would exceed by at least 300 calories), it does work. 🙂
I found that cutting 500 calories a day from the 2000 recommend diet worked well for me a few years ago. However, if you start over eating again you will gain ot quickly. When losing weight, slow and steady is ideal.
I’m always follow my diet and I didn’t go outside to go some where in gym.
I am on vacation this week and swear I am up 10 pounds. Back to the gym Monday.
Yes, the re-gain is fast and it usually is more than i lost!