Walk The Prank
Watch Every Wednesday
There’s something exciting happening on Disney channel for the entire Family – Walk The Prank! I am excited to share my great experience with episodes Disney showed us during the screening of this new program. The delight that Walk The Prank delivers would be shared by both sides of age groups: the kids and their parents alike!
The premise for each Wednesday episode of Walk The Prank is simple. Four kids come up with practical jokes played out in real time on real people. Hey, nothing to worry about – they do have grown-up supervision! Uncle Will, the character who appears in each episode and played by Tobie Wyndham, makes sure that nobody gets injured during and after the filming.
The program was created and produced by two amazing people: Adam Small (“Mad TV,” “Another State of Mind,” “In the Army Now,” “The Steven Weed Show”) and Trevor Moore (“Whitest Kids U Know,” “Miss March.”).
We were lucky to visit the set at the Paramount Studios where the pranks are prepped up for prime time television.
I will be sharing more facts and some amazing Q&A we had with the characters during the filming of the future episodes of the Walk The Prank. From the episodes we watched, I loved ALL of them! They are bursting with smart humor and target real people that the kids who are featured in each episodes meet in their lives.
The “Target” of their pranks can be a babysitter, a nurse, a store clerk, a teacher – people from their real lives. What the Disney creative team does is artfully weaving the stories, people, situations and the personal preferences of the kids who play the pranks into one smooth practical joke on the screens of our TVs.
My favorite one so far is about the Invention-Convention school show where things went terribly wrong, freaking up the head juror who was judging the work of the young inventors. You gotta see it in your own time and space and have a huge laugh out of it! Just tune in every Wednesday at 8:30pm on DisneyDX channel.
During the visit on the Paramount Studios, we set our foot on the recording set where we observed how those tricks are done. It’s life-changing! Being able to speak to the actors, writers, helpers on the set – after all that, my view of this program or any other really takes a different attitude. There’s a ton of work involved in prepping those episodes that make us laugh and teaching lessons, too.
If you love hilarious pranks that are executed with the hidden camera show – Walk The Prank is for you!
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