It is amazing what’s going on in the world of recommendations for supplements. One year, Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends one dosage of vitamins. The next year, they change it to some other level. Well, may be not that fast.
What I am saying is that to a regular person who is not involved in such tracking of news and facts regularly and researching of vitamins, it is hard to know the reality of what things should be and how to determine what dosage of all supplements is correct.
For your information, IOM issued new guidelines on the Vitamin D supplementation. They increased the daily dosage recommendation from 400 IU to 600 IU.
Vitamin D is crucial in preventing many diseases: cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, cognitive decline, depression, diabetes, pregnancy complications, autoimmune diseases, and many more.
Please keep in mind that every person’s needs in Vitamin D are different and depend on many factors, to mention a few:
- Skin color
- Geographical location
- Sunscreen usage
- Time spent outside
- Age
Only blood test can truly determine where you are on your Vitamin D level. Keep in mind that healthy diet full of fresh vegetables and fruit, time spent outside during the day light could be just sufficient for your healthy functioning.
Here’s a good article, a very detailed one, on Vitamin D and its dosage recommendations from various boards and councils in this country. Check it out, if you have time.
Vitamin D Recommendations by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.