As you know, it’s not easy losing weight. It is even more difficult keeping it off once you’ve lost it.
As many of you may also know, I’ve been involved in helping weight loss companies since way back in 2001. In fact, that is why I started my blog, to communicate more personally and directly with the dozens of women I had met who were struggling with their weight.
After complications with my pregnancy and bringing my wonderful son into the world, I, too, got on that weight-loss-weight-re-gain carousel.
What I learned was that the internal tussle to keep weight off was the toughest time. With a diet, you know when it begins, and you know when you ended it. But the keep-it-off challenge never goes away. It consumes the rest of your life…a day-to-day grind that never seems to end.
Long-term weight loss, I came to understand, begins and ends with what is going on inside of you. It is not about food…not entirely. It is about how you feel about yourself. It is how your self esteem affects your motivation to do something extra each day to not re-gain lost weight. When you’re not feeling good about yourself and your life, your weight suffers.
I have been reaching out to you in this series of emails about The UnDiet Project because it really is different. I have been working with the UnDiet team for over a year now. What I am excited about is that its NOT A DIET. It is helpful in the ways no diet can ever be…it touches you at the foundation of your motivation…your heart.
It helps you to see yourself, your life, and your desires for a new future in a deeply personal way. It’s not about calories or fat grams, clean eating, or any other weight loss method. It is centered on developing fresh views of your relationship to yourself, and to food.
UnDiet gets to the core that underlies your daily motivation. It helps you build a strong defense against the assaults on your self-image that that can be so corrosive of your strength. It helps you to do what you need to do to keep lost pounds from reappearing.
It’s not magic. The magic is you…inside you. Touch it daily and you’ll find a new direction, new resolve to moving forward with your life, with concerns about your weight receding into history. The UnDiet Project helps you touch and build your core strength. UnDiet helps you focus on your real magic — the radiant you that will reveal itself a little more every day.
Please join with me in The UnDiet Project. And tell your friends.
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18 thoughts on “The Magic to Keeping Weight Off is Inside of You.”
Like another reader, I too can’t seem to stop sabotaging myself. And having a husband that doesn’t care about his own health, doesn’t help.
I find that I always seem subject to self sabotage. I can lose weight but never keep it off for more than a year or two.
I feel that it is all about starting out with small changes and working your way up. You also need to keep a positive outlook.
I really love these post. Thank you for sharing this awesome post 🙂
It’s not always easy when you get older to maintain your weight, or so I have found. But it’s worth it in the long run to take measures and adjust how/when you eat if you have to, in order to keep that healthy weight. 🙂
I love this post. I don’t diet. chose to Call it a life change or as you say un-diet! I chose heALTHY alternatives and modifications
It is true that it all begins with what we are dealing with internally. I think when we focus on being healthy out true body finds its perfect weight. There are some women who will “never” be “skinny” but if they eat whole foods that aid their body in being its best then that should be the goal.
Ooooo great post!!! You really need to believe to keep weight off. Believing is half the battle
Thank you for sharing this. I agree weight loss for me has to do with how I see food and feel about myself.
Acceptance of yourself as a worthwhile person is the first step in living a happy life. And being thin is not a measure of being worthwhile but accepting yourself is step towards being able to control your weight if that is a goal.
Since I don’t feel like traditional diets work at all, it’s clear that this is right. It’s what’s going on inside you that is triggering the way you eat.
If you allow yourself to be mastered by the negative criticisms of people about your weight or appearance, you always end up a loser. Cultivate your inner self first and beauty will exude out of you 🙂
It is all about discipline. I have come to terms with my body and even if some perceive me as “chubby” (they are so kind), I do not really care. What matters most is how I feel about myself. Beauty comes from the heart, not from the physical appearance.
Great read for me. Can surely help out with my goal!
I agree we have the power to unlock anything with our minds!
I love that quote! Skinny (and healthy) really does happen from the inside out. I wish more people understood that.
What a nice concept for losing weight. I hope it works out. There’s nothing better than loving your body.
I found it all had to do with the cycles we eat in.If we are only eating 3 times a day or less then that packs on pounds.Eat good food,about 5-6 times a day;small amounts;and your body burns the food.