wordless wednesday
Cornish Rex Cat Napping In a Queen-Like Manner
Seeing this Cornish Rex cat napping in her newly established nest is hilarious. I chuckle how my kitty finds her napping dwellings.
Painting with Cornish Rex Is Truly Entertaining and Memorable
Painting with Cornish Rex is one of the fun things to do. My kids enjoy their kitty's presence when they paint and craft.
Cornish Rex Curiosity Makes This Breed More Than Interesting
Cornish Rex curiosity goes hand-n-hand with this breed. Every day, a Cornish Rex is out to discover the world in and outside his dwellings.
Cornish Rex Napping On Top of Desk in My Business Office
There's something magical, unknown and truly remarkable when I look at my Cornish Rex napping. Precious moments in the making.