With St. Patricks Day right around the corner on March 17, what a better way to celebrate than with potatoes!
While the Irish celebrate with corned beef and cabbage, everyone knows that the meal isn’t complete without potatoes.
So instead of eating them, which my kids won’t do unless they are covered in butter and
sour cream, we are going to paint with them!
#1 To get started
Cut out a great big shamrock or several small ones or even just a regular sized one. I like to draw it on the paper by thinking of three hearts with their points in the middle and a stem.
You can cut it out before you paint or let the paint dry and cut it out then.
#2 Gather a few potatoes
I like to let my kids pick out the potatoes. It’s not often that they stick their hands in a bag of potatoes. Most often they are surprised by their shapes and texture.
Wash the potatoes and cut any way you would like – in half or in quarter. I tried to cut one in the shape of a shamrock. It was much harder than I thought!

#3 Last, Dip the Potato Shapes In Paint
We used green paint, but you can use whatever you like. Use the different sides to create different prints.
That’s about it, very simple but your kids will love it. Have lots of fun painting together!
P.S. Bet you didn’t realize you could paint with most foods. Peppers make really cool prints and are really fun!