Do you take time to research and understand the benefits that companies list on their products, both personal care and food items? I do. Not just to confirm that what they say is what it is. But to educate myself on the myriad of things that enter our lives rapidly, and frequently without any proof and frivolously.
Using some products based on the minerals from the Dead Sea sounds so simple and uncomplicated. But what actually lies behind all the cosmetics and personal care items that claim the benefits of the Dead Sea.
To understand the enormity and the beauty of the ingredients that are being used in such products, please allow me to expose you to some very important factual data about the Dead Sea. Once you know these facts – you become a much better educated consumer and will be able to make your choices when evaluating products with the Dead Sea ingredients in them.
(I won’t bother you with much reading, just a bit of the necessary information to provide more power to you as a consumer)
The Dead Sea And What Lives In It
The Dead Sea (actually, it is a lake) was formed about 200 to 66 million years ago, collecting marl, soft chalk, gypsum and sand from the surrounded shores.
The water in the sea is salty, smooth and sparkling. Yes, it is very sparkly. You cannot detect any life in this stillness, except for brine shrimp and very few plants, called halophytes, that adapted to reside in the saltiness of such waters.
Waters from the River Jordan supply this lake with fresh water. However, sulfur springs add a lot of minerals into the sea. Extreme heat and rapid evaporation never allow fresh water to take over the salty environment.
With that in mind, the Dead Sea represents one of the richest mineral deposits in the world for therapeutic and beauty purposes.
Dead Sea Salt Benefits For Skin
• Effectiveness in cleansing dirt, bacteria and their toxins off your skin surface
Depending how clean your skin surface remains after cleansing, you will get a more full benefit from the powerful ingredients in products you will follow up with your daily am/pm regiment.
• The Dead Sea salts strengthen your skin tissues and improve its defense against infection
• Salts from the Dead Sea are potent enough to relieve muscle tension and lessen stress
Establishing a daily routine could quickly become your looking-forward-to-it time.
• Overall, the salts from the Dead Sea perform a seamless job in rejuvenating our skin, looks, thus, contributing to our well-being.
Sounds like an easy way to do it. When you see some products based on the ingredients from the Dead Sea, make sure that they have quality non-toxic ingredients along-side with the minerals and salts from the Dead Sea.
Here are some products I personally tested which are based on the benefits from salts in the Dead Sea.
I have been using this soap for two weeks exclusively to notice any changes.
The Report is that it:
• Cleanses without any side effect. My skin feels fresh and moisturized. Compare your feeling when you do it with any other soap and feel how dry and restricted the movement of your facial skin is.
• Lasts long even though I have been using it generously.
I love masks! Especially those that I can wear and still be able to move my facial skin! My toddler always asks me ‘what I am doing’ with this ‘film’ on my face. I explain to him that that’s how I am feeding my face with minerals that help his mama to enjoy a healthy look.
The Report on this product is that it:
• Adds moisture to my upper skin layer. I definitely felt that by poking and comparing the side of the face that received the treatment with the side that remained untreated. If you are heading somewhere for an outing, you may truly put this mask and get “rejuvenated” in 10-20 minutes. You will look fresher. I tested it.
• People who have acne-prone skin and with other skin conditions may test this product and see how the minerals will effect their condition. I know that there are a gazillion methods out there for acne. But try something that is naturally pure and contains real minerals from the ancient Dead Sea.
Next time you hear about or see the products with Dead Sea benefits, keep in mind what you as a user could achieve with their regular use. More minerals to your skin and body, more elasticity, and younger looks. And less of grounds for bacteria to open their regular residence on your precious skin. Go for the Dead Sea ingredients and products to stay afloat younger and healthier.
Check out my detailed post on Epsom salt benefits for skin and women’s health.
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