But Shhh! Don’t tell kids that it’s educational! You don’t want to spoil the fun!
This is Doreen Dotto, a woman-entrepreneur who developed a series of educational tools – uKloo games – to teach our children how to read. Most importantly, create an non-invasive atmosphere for love of reading books.
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Solve the clue, find a Surprise!
It’s a reading game, with brain Exercise!
With adding a gaming element of Treasure Hunting, a child is embarked onto the crazy quest for hunting around the house, inside the house, the park – anywhere you would like to set up your reading expedition.
Doreen Dotto created uKloo to help her son, who literally hid when it was time for reading practice. She decided to turn the tables and hide the reading with a game. It worked! And, he soon discovered the fun that reading can bring! By providing relief from the wiggle factor, uKloo games get kids off the couch and engaged while running around the house in a physically active reading adventures.
uKloo is parent-driven and easily adaptable to any family and their circumstance. The games were created with the help of kids, parents and teachers, and have been approved and awarded for learning excellence for children with special needs. Although not created specifically for special needs purposes, it is good to know that the games are helpful to children of all abilities.
These amazing reading tools and resources have been awarded numerous industry awards and were selected as one of the 10 Best Classroom Games by the American Association of Educators. Parents are writing to say that their once-reluctant readers are now engaged readers because of uKloo play.
Check these uKloo reading games out! Get one for your child to instill her or his love for reading for the rest of their lives.
One thought on “Salute Woman-Entrepreneur Doreen Dotto, the Developer of uKloo Reading Tools”
Love the idea of reading like this!