Viral campaign #LikeAGirl with the video showing what it really means living and asserting yourself Like A Girl is all about!
So thankful to creative people at Procter & Gamble and their Always brand of feminine personal care products for this Girl, Woman, Female-Empowerment production video.
It’s been already viewed by 18 Million people. You are the next powerful, empowering, strong link who can make a change and a difference in this life.
55 thoughts on “Run Like A Girl, Swim Like A Girl, Fight Like A Girl – Keep Doing It. ALWAYS!”
I have two girls ages 6 and 8 and I need to show them this video!! It is so important that all girls stand up for themselves and be proud and confident with themselves. My 8 year old daughter has a friend that I am not too fond of and I have let my daughter know that her so called friend talks down to her. It breaks my heart that this girl is so condescending to my daughter, I hope seeing videos like this will help her (my daughter) stand up to this girl.
such a very interesting video! i can totally relate! Though I am a girl, Its funny that when I am in the gym i am the only girl there most of the time and the only girl lift heavy weights hahaha
What an awesome message. Thanks for sharing.
Feels like I’ve been living under a rock but I’m only JUST now seeing this video! Amazing message! I don’t know when being a girl started being an insult but it’s nothing new.
For some reason some of my friends don’t like this campaign as they feel that the term Like a girl is a sexist term.
I had already seen this video as well and WOW what a powerful message. We are only held back if we give into those negative and old ideas of thinking.
Many times, girls can do things better than a boy. Girls have to prove themselves and boys think they just have it in them.
Jonathan aka FamiGami,
Yes, you are quite right! You surprised me with your quick knowledge of it!
The difference between these two campaigns is that the Gatorade campaign was focusing on the Celebrities juxtopposing Male and Female athletes.
This current campaign by P&G is focusing on a any girl next-door, which gives it More Power and More Impact on the emotional side –> imagining myself in the shoes of a regular girl is much easier than of those of a famous figure.
Nothing wrong with celebrities as they do serve us a strong motivational model.
But looking at the next-door girl doing something that would empower me produces instant emotional impact.
Thank you for being so observant and bringing this up.
I think I’ll edit this post to include this part of the discussion! Awesome!
Didn’t Gatorade do something similar a few years back with their “Anything you can do, I can do better” campaign?
Anybody is capable of doing whatever they want, no matter who they are.
What a great video and message. The beginning part looks fun when they were asked to do something like a girl. Girls can do a lot of great things too and shouldn’t use that word as an insult.
Great message more women and girls need to truly hear and believe!
That was an amazing message! Thank you for sharing this! You made me shed a tear 🙂
I adore this campaign 🙂 I’m so proud to run, walk, talk, and think like a girl.
I love this take on the “Like a girl” phrase. Most people use this, never realizing that it’s saying that girls can’t do anything well or correctly. This is great.
This is so powerful! I wish everyone could see this so the “you run like a girl” thing that just seems to start somewhere after hearing it from someone else as a teen, could just STOP. It needs to stop.
Love the message this video is promoting!
I saw this video on an something I was watching the other day. I love it!
Very inspiring with a really great message.
I have seen this video a while ago. i LOVE the message that it delivers. I have shared it whenever i have come across it. Thank you for sharing also.
What a great message for young girls. SO inspiring. I will watch it with my daughter.
I actually caught this campaign on the tv the other day. It’s great. It’s also great that you are helping get the message out. Spread the good message, only like a girl can!
Inspiring and uplifting videos like this is what we need to empower girls generation today. I know that P & G is making this campaign for all the women of the world.
I saw a couple of these commercials on TV and they really made me THINK! I am sure I’ve done/said something (absentmindedly) to put my girl in a stereotype. Great reminder.
YAY for girl power! Props for Procter & Gamble for coming up with this campaign. It’s both inspiring and empowering.
Power and thought provoking….I liked this quite a bit,Rebecca. Thanks for sharing
Love this video–I hope it makes a difference. In this day and age girls and women play all sports, do anything that their hearts desire–yet that comment “just like a girl” persists–time to make it go away!
Just shared on Facebook. =) I had already commented. =)
it’s amazing that such a short video can inspire and capture the hearts of many people. I salute P&G for making it happen!
Such really cool videos. Little girls need example and encouragement to grow up confident.
i just saw an awesome shirt.. i know i run like a girl, so keep up.. what a great video!!
thanks for sharing this wonderful video. Its really inspiring and motivating!
I love this video! So happy this message is spreading!
I have never seen this video and I am in love with it! I think we need more videos like this! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Thought this was pretty nice, an inspiring message for the ladies.
really liked this advert it made an honest and very inspiring message
When I was 16 I wanted to be a woman rights attorney or something like that (by the side of the law), so being a girl, a woman, and act like one is really fits me.
What an inspiring and uplifting message! Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
I absolutely love the video! Great post!!!
I love this video and the message it gives young girls!
Loved the video! I haven’t seen that before. Wonderful campaign! <33
It’s nice that P&G is promoting and patronizing girl power. This is a nice campaign too that will help their feminine brands and products.
Love this video and message. Girls are tough 🙂
I love that the young girls had an unfiltered reaction. Real. What it’s really like and not what the meaning is. Sad that the older kids (and the boys) have a negative impression!
Great video.
Procter and Gamble really gets in there behind some good initiatives. Makes me happy to support their products, which we already like anyway!
I think it is very important that girls get the message that they are a girl and being a girl is perfect and they don’t need to strive to be a boy. Girl power!
a great awareness video! the campign has yet to reach us in the Middle East so i am sharing this on all my social network.
Such an inspiring video! I have a 5 year old little sister and I’m going to share this with her and her mom!
The video is very empowering and inspiring for all the women out there. Until now, even if there are more women who are accepted as leaders in the society, there exists bias that people keep fighting against.
I love this! I have a daughter and my husband and I work hard to help her embrace who she is and have confidence. This is an important message for girls (and women!) to hear. Thanks for sharing!
I love the video, it’s so moving and inspirational 🙂
Great video. It’s really important to teach our girls to break beyond the boundaries that have been set up for them. While we live in a age of supposed sexual equality, the truth is the inequality does exist behind closed doors.
Anything a boy can do, so can a girl! Once I told a male friend that I loved working on cars (which is true), and he told me that I’d better leave it to man. I was appalled! Girls and women can break these “old-fashioned” molds!
It is so important to empower our girls!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful video. I’m not surprised that it has been viewed by millions.