Pattern totes and handbags made quite a stir in Hollywood. For some reasons, celebs are reaching out for things that are down-to-earth, yet have the functionality and the look of the top line in its own category. Tiffany Lerman, the Founder and Designer of Pattern handbags, is responsible for amazing affection her totes create with any woman who test drives one of her bags.
Pattern Designer Handbag Giveaway
May 6-9, 2014
Open to US
Bringing You Moments To Celebrate
Sponsored by Pattern
Organized by Celebrate Woman Today and Thrifty Momma Ramblings
To describe Pattern handbags is a totally unique experience. For us truly appreciate the whole handbag, you gotta touch it, test it, look inside and try it out.
Tiffany Lerman, a young and promising designer of Pattern handbags and totes, has created an unforgettable texture with her patterns and fabrics she’s working with. The difference lies not only in color. It is in the textiles of the fabric for each Pattern tote and handbag.
Hollywood is caught up with this refreshing and different Pattern trend. We would like you to catch the fire and win one of yours. Love this idea? Head over to the form for a chance to be the owner of a Pattern Tote!
26 thoughts on “Pattern Totes Stir Up Hollywod With Their Unique Fabric Textures”
I tend to go for bright solid colors. Pinks and oranges usually.
Black and white!
I love all totes. But with summer coming, I carry ones that are brighter and I love pinks and purples.
I like bold & bright summer colors
Bright colors, I’m so ready for Spring! 😉
I like brown hues and colors for handbags 🙂
Black is my favorite color for a purse.
I love small calicos or greens and purples!
I love pink and green!
I tend to like the darker colors since I carry them forever!
I love Blue,pink and purple.
red and blue
pastel and bright colors
Pinks, purples, blues and greens are my favorite
Black, brown or navy.
Reds greens yellow pinks
I love tans, reds and yellows, so pretty!
I love blue and purple tones, thanks!
I love blues, pinks, peaches and lavenders!
I love bright colors and golds and silvers.
i like earth tones i think they match every thing
I like blues, greens, and purples for most of my totes.
Pinks, blues, violets, greens, and yellows. I think I covered all of them. lol
I like Blue & Purple!
I love silver,gray,black,shades or red & shades of purple & some shades of green.
i like purple, silver or black handbags/totes!