Let’s Organize Your Kitchen With
Covered Storage Boxes + Parking Lot for Purses Giveaway
Sep 23-30, 2013
Open to US
We are marching through our September preparation for some truly exciting late Fall and early Winter holidays, activities, festivities, and awesome prizes for our Ah-mazing audience. Yes, we do it for you to bring joy, more interaction among all of us and support in small ways we can.
Storage is always welcome in any home setting! Those who are fond of bags would truly appreciate a compact parking lot for purses. And those with a lot of folded clothes to store would be very pleased to have some covered storage boxes that protect their investment in their wardrobe!
Bringing You Moments To Celebrate
Sponsored by BrylaneHome
Organized by Celebrate Woman Today
Have you organized your closets and prepared your rooms and storage spaces for the winter months?
With BrylaneHome products it is a very easy and doable task to arrange your stuff, clothes, toys, supplies of any kind in a fashionable and orderly way. Besides affordability, you are going to get an easy access to all of your stored items. And that is a very important element of any storage!
With a covered storage boxes set with mesh windows, you would easily see what’s stored inside each container. Plus air circulation would allow for an always-fresh smell inside each box.
As for a parking lot for purses, anyone of you would simply smile radiantly to be able to sort through a pile of bags collection in no time! Neatly displayed on the top shelf of your closet, you’ll pick the right color, the appropriate purse for your outing in a second.
This combo prize would go to a lucky winner of this giveaway event.
Prize – A Set of 3 Covered Storage Boxes
+ Parking Lot for Purses
If you like this covered storage boxes and parking lot for purses giveaway, you’ve got many options to contribute, participate, share, and simply indulge with joy in what you see.
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• Please contact Celebrate Woman Today with questions or to see your business or blog featured on the next big event! by Laura Gontchar
49 thoughts on “Parking Lot For Purses And Covered Storage Boxes To Improve Your Storage”
I am ready to celebrate breast cancer awareness month. I will live a healthy lifestyle for me n my family
I’m eating healthier and trying to eat more organic products as much as possible 🙂
We will eat healthier
eat less and move more
Lots and lots of water!!
I support Breast Cancer awareness and for more research. I have a pink ribbon pin I wear
I have been riding my bike on short errands instead of driving
I’ll admit I haven’t been very good about eating as healthy as I can, and I also haven’t had regular medical exams as I should. However, with my mother’s passing six months ago (from cancer), I’ve realized more than ever how fragile and short life can be. So, I am going to make more of an effort to eat better, try to exercise more, and catch up and keep up with regular medical exams and tests – starting with a mammography next month!
I am starting a walk at workplace program tomorrow and continuing it until June of 2014. Along with that, I am going to try and eat less sugar items.
we are trying to eat more fruit an vegies an drink more water instead of soda
I promise to make an appointment to get a mammogram this October!
I walk every day and keep up with my regular checkups.
get back into exercising, and when i get a better job, we can afford more organic foods.
Eat more fruits and vegetables daily.
I have given up cigarettes; going on two years now. My mother beat cancer this past year and I am grateful for that.
We’ve been going for long walks. Now we have a puppy and she needs walks too! A very good incentive! 🙂
Trying to be healthier and get my first mammogram this year (just turned 40).
Exercise, eat better and see the doctor more.
We are ready to celebrate and help with breast cancer awareness. We try to eat healthy but my two year old loves ketchup so I try to trick him by putting it on healthy things. my husband quit smoking and I never have smoked. We try to keep a stress free inverment for our two babies
I don’t drink or smoke. Continue to improve…eat healthy diet and get more exercise (losing weight!!)
Exercise more and am drinking more water
Fortunately, there’s not much of a family history of cancer in my family. My biggest concern is diabetes, so I do try and watch my sugar and carb intake. I also keep up on yearly well-woman exams. 🙂
i really need these for all my bags from little black bag:)
We are taking walks together at night to increase our activity together!
We are trying to eat at home more and make more healthier options. I also am doing more exercise and walking.
I am trying to exercise more with my family and get out of the house on the weekends to experience new things with them.
Trying to eat healthier and stay away from gmo products
we try to eat healthier…more organic and more grain in our diets and drinking more water and limitated soda and junk food.I and do walk 2 miles every day;-)
I try to eat healthy & exercise 5 days a week.
I do monthly self breast exams, have started eating better and exercising.
I always examine myself and I annually keep my medical appointments.
I am eating healthier foods and have cut out
all soft drinks.
I am really horrible about mamograms and all but I am trying to eat better and add exercize into my day.
We are cutting out the sodas we drink (even diet) and making sure we’re getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day!
To start eating a little more healthy and get more exercise!
We eat healthy, exercise and try to keep up awareness.
Of course.
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Live a more active life
More outdoor exercise, and healthier food choices…less snacking!
Incorporate healthier eating habits including snacks. Introduced exercise to improve not only health but confidence as well : )
I am commenting on—— https://celebratewomantoday.com/2013/09/23/parking-lot-for-purses-and-covered-storage-boxes-giveaway/
Thanks for the giveaway : )
I already eat lots of fruits and veggies. Just started to eat more whole grains. I exercise a little but have a bad hip so can’t do too much.
Eat better and start to MOVE!
I promise to get healthier. I will eat less bad stuff and more good stuff.
I am working on getting healthier by exercising, giving up smoking and energy drinks and having better more balanced meals at home with my family!
Eat better and exercise! Drink less too.
i have stop drinking mountain dew and have cut out a lot of caffiene and chocolate 🙁 i had a scare couple years ago and most of it was form mountain dew..so i stop all that and started to eat more healthy.my grandmother died of breast cancer so it is a real eye opening!
I am trying to eat healthier and incorporate more whole wheat and grains and natural and organic products into our diets.