No more messes to clean up around the dog and cat feeding bowls! This is a fantastic gift to give the animal or the animal lover in your life. Or if you are the animal lover – it’s perfect for you!
We’d love to offer more power to your pets and you this Holiday Season – this amazingly easy to use everyday Neater Feeder!
Look into this fun post for more ideas on how to make your home more pet-friendly.
Sponsored by Neater Feeder
Organized by Powered by Mom Blog
Featured by Celebrate Woman Today
The Neater Feeder catches the water and food your animal make a mess of while eating. You also select your Neater Feeder according to your animals size and height, so that they are in the correct eating position to aid in proper digestion. In other words you would not get a German Shepherd the same size dish as a Chihuahua. Makes sense right?
Pet hydration tips any owner would appreciate are discussed in this detailed post.
The winner will get a Neater Feeder of choice: Size and Color of need and preference!
Prize – Neater Feeder Deluxe, $60 Value

24 thoughts on “No More Messy Floors With A Neater Feeder For Pets”
I have a yorkie and a black lab, They are special because they always make everyone in the house smile and they love going everywhere with the family
I have 3 cats, they are pigs their names are Sam we got from a rescue he is the Alpha Male in house, Bella name is a combo of my Past Cat Bootsie and my Grams name Ella.. And Bandit a feral that was going to be put down and I took him in to our home.. It took 3 long years but we got him to come around.. He loves us, all three mean the world to us since they rule our lives from the moment we get home til we leave.. They are playful and fun..
My dogs is named Bailen, We adopted him 6 years ago from the Humane Society and is our best friend. He always greets us so excited to see when we come home and loves playing catch.
We have a cat, Shadow. We rescued her from a barn when my daughter was thinking she wanted to be a vet. She is like our 3rd child …… she use to follow my daughter around (and let her know when it was bedtime if she didn’t go upstairs before her) now she is my constant “buddy” sitting or laying with me.
my cat is a very guard cat specially with our daughter at night if he sinses she dont feel good our kitty goes and lays with her all night
I have a cat, shane and dog, joe boo.. they are not pets..they are family
I have a cat named Buddy and a dog named Zoey that we adopted at the SPCA and they are like one of the family. I would be heartbroken without them and I hope I don’t have to for a long long time.
Jack a golden !
I have 2 cats, Lightning and Oscar. they are just so lovable and playful. they are a big part of my family.
My cats are Punky and Patches. They are my babies since my own children are grown and on their own.
we have 2 beautiful and silly English springer spaniels and a big goofy 9 month old Doberman puppy. They are all completely spoiled rotten and loved so much
I have one dog who is a mixed Chihuahua/Russell Terrier mix. My daughter and him are soo close and I love it. The only flaw is he barks at everyone, even people he knows, but he goes to the door to go out, he plays and loves tennis balls. I also have one cat who is a long haired domestic that I found when she was only a week old in a ditch in the middle of winter. She is so smart and even though she is outside cat part time, she is very good with my daughter, has never tried to get into my daughter’s crib or bassinet. She catches mice and won’t kill them but bring them to you. It is the cutest!
i have 3 dogs all different sizes,they are just like one of our kids.they are spoild rotten.knock on door when they want something.the smallest stays inside all the time.she is my sweetheart and we got a kitten about a month ago,she is fiesty and so lovable!
my cat snowball is my bestfriend! he sleeps with me everynight and is just so cute! i love him!
I have a German Shepherd dog named Tabby and a cat named Jada. We’ve had them for years and the kids adore them.
I no longer has any pets but my daughter has a dog who I watch from time to time and just love her.
I have a very large cat named louie and love him but he is a messy eater so it is a more than once a day I have to go clean his eating area up.
I have 2 boston terriers and they are my hearts. Not a day goes by that they dont put a smile on my face.
Wow, where to begin with the “zoo” we have, haha! We have 3 Nigerian Dwarf goats, 4 Pekin ducks, 9 hens, 2 roosters, 2 kittens, 3 dogs and 2 ferrets.
They’re all special to us and each has their unique personalities. No matter how I’m feeling, they bring a smile to my face every day. The kisses, licks, purrs, eating my clothes (the goats), gifts of fresh eggs, and quacking lifts my spirits.
I love all my 4-legged and feathered friends.
My boxer is special to me because she is part of our family
I have a Morkie…Yorkie/Maltese. He is a fun and loving dog. No matter who comes over he will greet them at the door with one of his chew toys…he loves to play.
my first dog is special to me because i had her since she was 8 weeks old so she has been apart of my life and i could not see myself without her although she doesnt let me get my extra 30 minute nap in the morning. my second dog i rescued from an abusive breeder who left her malnourished and locked in a cage all her life. my first dog did not like her at first but after my second dog had a major accident and almost suffered brain damage my first dog stayed by her side from the time she came home from the hospital and till this day will always make sure she is protected.
This would be great! My basset is a complete slob. 🙂
What a great gift this would be for my two grand doggies.