You undoubtedly have heard a lot of great stuff about marijuana. And a lot of scary stuff, too. As you may know it has been used for millennia for a variety of ailments.
In the modern age it is used to prevent vomiting in people undergoing chemo. It surpasses seizures. And is of immeasurable help alleviating the symptoms of glaucoma. But, because of its mind altering properties, it isn’t an option for most people.
The good news is that you don’t have to choose between the “high” of marijuana, and its many, unique, and powerful health effects. How is that possible?
The mood altering substance in marijuana is THC. But the true, health-giving properties in marijuana comes from an ingredient in it called CBD (cannabidiol). With CBD, you get all of the healthful properties of marijuana, and none of the “high.”
Only recently has CBD been extracted and concentrated so you can take it. It is not possible to list all of the great things CBD does in this review, but if you have a health challenge that you have heard marijuana can help, try this unique brand of CBD by Dose of Nature. Taken consistently over time (it is a supplement, not a drug, so it takes a while to build up in your body to do its stuff), you’ll experience amazing results.
Dose of Nature is revolutionizing the market with all-natural, water soluble, rapidly bioavailable and great tasting CBD that help your body’s recovery from a large number of chronic and life-threatening diseases.
With Dose of Nature Redstrap CBD you’ll discover that CBD is the super food you have been waiting for.
22 thoughts on “Newest Super Food is One of the Oldest – CBD Oil by Dose of Nature”
Sounds like a great product. This is the first time I am hearing about the Hemp oil. Great to know that it has amazing health benefits. Will have to check this out for my family. Thanks for sharing!
Even though I’m not exactly a hemp or marihuana fan myself…. Being the health nut I am and doing all the reading on nutrition that I do…hemp and all the oils ect do amazing things for health!
What a great alternative to marijuana! I know a few people who would benefit from it for medical reasons, but since it’s not legalized even medically in Florida, this would be a wonderful way to help them legally.
I think it would be okay if it was only extracted and used like this product but I am way against legalizing it for anything else.
I think this could be a great option for people who have serious medical problems. Personally, I disagree with marijuana use because the high can be dangerous to others. I also disagree with alcohol for the same reason.
Hemp Oil?! Sounds like a very interesting product!
I’m so glad I read this. I’ve never heard of this before and have some friends going through chemo now. I’m hoping this helps them with their symptoms.
I’d have to do a lot more research before I’d ever even considering taking something like this if I were in a condition where I might need it… but it is very interesting. Definitely a great option to consider for those who could benefit from this product!
This is an interesting read. I know that Marirjana has healing virtues. I am glad some people can have access to it
I’m not sure I’d be up to having something like this, but I’m happy if it can help some people!
It’s nice that they have isolated the CBD complex in Marijuana to take in the health benefits without the mind altering part. This product is a great breakthrough in treating related diseases.
I’ve read two other blogger posts (both awhile back now) that swore by hemp oil. Oils are sure popular right now too.
I suffer from chronic pain and fibromyalgia. I haven’t really looked into medical Marijuana simply because I don’t want my kids to think it’s okay to use. Plus, I’m not a smoker. I’ll have to research this oil.
Wait.. so they extract it so that there is no high when you’re using this hemp oil? I’ve been hearing that they’ve been coming out with different forms like tinctures. i’m guessing that’s different?
I have never used an hemp oil but I used hemp seeds for cooking and liked it. Great info, thanks for sharing.
I have heard of all the amazing benefits and uses for hemp oil. It’s great that they are still considering this to help people. Although, I have no problem with straight up marijuana, especially for medicinal use. It’s a individual’s personal decision in my opinion.
This is so fascinating to me! I actually never liked the high of marijuana anyhow, so I wouldn’t want that part of it! Great info.
I have never heard of hemp oil. It has a ton of benefits! Wow.
I did know you that you could buy hemp oil like this!! Or that it had so many benefits!
I think marijuana should be legalised as it has so many amazing health benefits such as CBD as you said above. I use hemp creams for my skin and they work amazingly. There are so many great benefits to using these natural plants and they should be embraced, not condemned.
Some states in the US have finally legalized marijuana for medical use. Perhaps some other countries will follow.
Hmm, that’s really interesting. I had not idea that there was an extract made from CBD. Sounds like a good alternative for those who are in need of the health-help that marijuana has to offer. Thanks for sharing!