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Dreaming is one of the essential traits of character that we can and should nurture in our children. Such nurturing has gotta start early on in a child’s life. Otherwise, the inner talents, and eventually personal happiness of that growing dreamer, could be thwarted, subdued and never realized to the fullest.
What do we need to do when our children sing, dance, go around demoing kicks and moves and all nine yards of behaviors that may seem like “mis” behaviors? We gotta support them! The bursts of Creativity come in all kinds of shapes and expression.
This is year is the year of Dreamers. Disney is celebrating its Diamond Anniversary with a many Shows, Parades, Fireworks in its parks. In addition, there’s a unique and very worthy seeing movie that came out this summer – TOMORROWLAND.
Starring some of the amazing young talents – Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Thomas Robinson, – with George Clooney in the middle of all the happenings, this movie has gathered and extrapolated some of the deeply thought and beautifully expressed forms of thinking on Creativity and Dreaming. And what dreamers like the ones we see in Tomorrowland can do individually and when we have many, many, very many of such dreamers in this life living among us.
The movies is out. Grab your own copy on Blu Ray DVD to watch it anywhere you are! With your copy, you will be able to to upload your digital edition of Tomorrowland to Disney Movies Anywhere and watch your favorite Disney classics for years to come.
Disney has also came up with the Dreamers Quiz which was put by the professional psychologists to let you know what type of a dreamer your child is. I took my quiz. And here’s my child’s profile for a Dremer he is.
Your child’s dreamer traits are creativity, uniqueness and expressiveness. Artists have active imaginations that they express in unique ways. They may be more emotional, but use those emotions as energy in their creations. Your child wants to bring beauty and uniqueness into this world.
A child may express this creativity and uniqueness through any career that allows him/her to create — for example, a musician, dancer, painter, chef, journalist or author. You can inspire your young artist by taking him/her on a nature walk and encouraging the use of senses to fully experience the world.
Start by focusing on what you can hear; listen to the birds singing and the wind through the leaves. Then, focus on what you can see — for example, the colors of leaves, patterns in water or grass and variations in light. Finally, ask your child to notice how things feel, such as the texture of tree bark or the softness of a fern.
Research has shown that spending time outside increases creativity.
If you would like to take a quiz to help you to understand your child more and nurture his/her creativity, here’s a Quiz for you!
My Little Dreamer:
A Personality Quiz to Help You Nurture Your Child’s Interests.
Choose the answer that best fits your child.
1. When your child talks about an idea he/she has, it is:
a. A big picture idea, wonderfully abstract
b. Full of an amazing amount of details
c. A novel idea, visionary
d. Usually focused on helping people in need
2. Which activity would your child love to do the most?
a. Create a new recipe in the kitchen
b. Eat at his/her favorite restaurant
c. Try a new cuisine he/she has never had before
d. Any of the above, but with close friends
3. Which of the following best fits your child:
a. Feels emotions in a big way
b. Thinks through things that upset him/her, maybe makes lists of pros and cons
c. Views failures as a chance to learn
d. Able to put his/her own emotions aside to comfort others
4. When you ask your child to clean up his/her room and you walk in 10 minutes later, you will find that he/she has:
a. Picked up a few things, but is now involved in something creative
b. Cleaned up and has also organized something
c. Cleaned up and has also changed around how something in the room was set up
d. Cleaned up while listening to loud music
5. Which of the following is most true of your child?
a. Outgoing or more introverted but paves his/her own path and is friends with many types of people
b. Often the leader of his/her group of friends
c. Either introverted with a few very close friends or very friendly with everyone, but needs time on his/her own as well
d. Very extroverted and is a sounding board for most of his/her friends
6. Which of the following is true of their sense of justice?
a. Rules were made to be broken
b. Rules are important and keep society civilized and organized
c. Rules are important, but in some cases basic human rights can trump rules, which can be flawed
d. Rules are important, but one must trust one’s own instincts as well
7. Your child is doing a project for class. While everyone would help with each part, which of the following tasks would he/she most enjoy doing for the group?
a. Creating the presentation materials
b. Finding facts to support the group’s ideas
c. Coming up with the overall theme of the presentation and the main point
d. Presenting the project to the class
8. Your child is doing something that frustrates him/her and is very challenging. He/she…
a. May get upset, but then has a breakthrough and gets the task done
b. Puts his/her head down and works hard until it’s done
c. Is extremely persistent and accomplishes things you thought would be impossible
d. All of the above
9. It’s a snow day! What would your child most likely do?
a. Spend all day creating snow sculptures
b. Watch the discovery channel and cozy up with a book
c. Go outside, find the biggest hill and go sledding!
d. Have fun with his/her neighborhood friends playing in the snow
10. What is your child’s favorite school subject?
a. Art and/or music
b. History and/or English
c. Math and/or computer science
d. Science and/or psychology
Inspire your child to dream. Encourage her/him to be brave to do something different and listen to their intuition. Disney teaches us to follow our instincts and express ourselves. That is how all of the Disney ideas came to fruition: A few dreamers like Walt Disney, Eric Goldberg, Brad Bird and hundreds of them took a risk of doing something they believed in. YOU CAN, TOO!
Dreamers wanted!
Join former boy-genius Frank (George Clooney), optimistic, science-minded teen Casey (Britt Robertson), mysterious Athena (Raffey Cassidy) and the brilliant David Nix (Hugh Laurie) in a world of pure Disney imagination and adventure. Tomorrowland transports you to an inspiring and magical place where if you can dream it, you can do it. Available on Blu-ray™, Digital HD & Disney Movies Anywhere October 13.