For the past 60 days, many prominent women, mothers, educators, senators, SEOs, actors, and journalists have been given a platform for one day to say what they think about a woman’s role in today’s life and how to improve the quality of life of women throughout the world.
This initiative by the United Nation’s Every Woman Every Child movement focused on empowering women in every corner of the globe by connecting us all via invisible, yet so powerful lines of social media.
I’ve been following up this breathtaking tour of everyday woman’s quest for her self-actualization, sharing and empowering others for the past two months.
Today, I would like to add one more woman to this amazing Mom Global Relay – Christy Cook, the Teach My Founder and initiator of early childhood education who developed tools for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
Knowing that the majority of brain activity is formed in a few first years of life, it is important to present that growing brain with the challenges that would form its neuronal connections and build a solid platform for a young child to express herself and function in her later years of life.
Christy Cook came up with a unique system for early developmental years of a growing person, your child.
We all have an amazing opportunity to hear what Christy Cook shared about her place in and her contribution to every woman’s life.
I am gladly joining this Mom Global Relay by bringing to our attention the women who make a difference in your life, in my life, and who inspire action from those whose lives are being touched.
Interview With Christy Cook The Founder of Teach My Educational Kits
1. What was the driving force and need behind creating Teach My?
When my son was 18-months old, I quickly realized that parents are the most important teachers. I spent countless hours scouring stores for tools to teach the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors.
When I couldn’t find one kit that did it all, I knew there was a gap in the market. I began creating my own teaching tools that matched some of the tools I had purchased.
My son was reading by the age of three and parents at nursery school were asking how I had taught him. At this point, I decided to design an all-in-one learning kit to make it easy for parents to teach the basics. Our first product was Teach My Todler. Check it out HERE.
2. How many years did it take you from conceptualizing Teach My and implementing it?
I created the system behind Teach My Toddler in the fall of 2004. It was called ‘Mama’s School,’ and it was housed in a brown box!
I needed to turn the idea into something that parents, grandparents and educators could all use, so I changed the name to Teach My Toddler.
I also wanted the teaching tools to be packaged in a sturdy, portable, storable and re-usable case. I developed the concept and brought it to market at the end of 2007.
After creating a success with Teach My Toddler, I went on to build the brand with Teach My Baby and Tech My Preschooler. We have 16 products in total, with more new sets on the way!
3. What would you say truly was a huge help in building your company?
Our ‘defining moment’ was in 2009 at New York Toy Fair. The buyer from spotted our products and brought us onboard.
This gave us instant credibility and allowed us to leverage our relationship with other big box buyers. I believe that introduction was instrumental in building the brand and the business, because it gave me the confidence to take the business to the next level.
4. What are 3 top motivators for you in daily life?
I am motivated by the need to be my own boss. I remind myself daily about the luxury of working for myself. It wasn’t that I despised working for other people, I just prefer to make the decisions!
I like to be in control of my destiny and know that I can truly affect the outcome of a decision.
I am also motivated to set an example for my son. I want him to see that dreams are possible. I have shown him that passion and hard work can bring a dream to fruition.
Finally, I have always been motivated by challenge. I like to challenge myself to go above and beyond people’s expectations. Every day, I push myself to reach out to buyers and gain exposure for our brand. I love the never-ending challenge of building a brand.
5. Any words of your personal wisdom for women who are dreaming to start their own business?
Know your numbers. I was not a numbers person. I have become one over the years. At every step in a business, you need to learn to ask yourself whether the next move will have a return on investment and directly benefit your business.
Also, as an entrepreneur, you need a relentless amount of passion. You have good days and bad, you need to be mentally strong and push forward no matter what curves come your way!
6. What is the passion of your life?
Am I allowed to say 3 things? My husband, my son and the business are my true passion. I need to have a balance between all three to feel truly fulfilled. They are all important to me, and I strive to be a great wife, a good mom and a successful business woman!
Here are my some of the favorite people in this Global Mom Relay.
Mother’s Day With Global Mom Relay ~ Arianna Huffington
Global Mom Relay Unites Moms And Women of The World ~ Ann Curry
14 thoughts on “Mother’s Day With Global Mom Relay ~ Christy Cook”
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Pingback: Encouraging Early Learning With TEACH MY From The Comfort Of Your Home #HeartThis Learning Tool
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Pingback: Giveaway: Teach My Full Kit
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Pingback: Ends 05/21 – Teach My All-In-One Kit Giveaway
Pingback: Teach My All-In-One Kit Giveaway (Ends 5/21/13) | It's Free At Last
Pingback: Teach My All-In-One Kit, $50 Value ~ USA & Canada!!
Retweeted–great info!
Wonderful & Inspiring! Thank you so much!
This is inspiring! I love that she saw a need, solved the problem, and is now helping others. Incredible….women are incredible….thanks for reminding me and to Christy, Awesome job, parents are the MOST important teacher!
Wow! What amazing work, thank you for highlighting such an amazing woman!
That is wonderful invention she came up with. My son is almost 14 and can not read. 🙁 He was in special education classes in public schools and they would always call home for me to come get him because of his melt downs and behavioral problems. I could not keep getting the calls all the time to leave work to go pick him up from school, because they didnt want to deal with his situation. So, I took him out of school, school him here the best I can at home and now I work at home myself online.. She gives great advice to keep pushing forward and to know your numbers. These are KEY. 🙂