Lottie Dolls are inspired by Real Girls! Real Stories. Real Lives.
Really Cool Lottie Dolls!
Having a doll that could be a true companion means a lot to a little child. Dolls become friends. Dolls become a channel through which children learn in many ways: how to dress, how to speak, how to make friends with others, how to sow and have the best tea party ever. Lottie dolls are a vivid example of such toys that support an active learning in a growing child.

Playing with dolls is closely tied to a child’s emotional development
The development of cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical behaviors is intricately connected with every child’s ability to play. Playing with toys and games and things around the house that serve as toys are a natural way to learn, explore and discover the world and what’s it made of. Children learn of the world by acting out things in their imaginary role playing with toys. Empathy, joy, grief – these are some of the most complex and such vital feelings that a child learns and develops not only through real-life events, but also through acting out situations before they ever happen. Toys like Lottie dolls are the necessary tools to support the important development within each child.
Lucie Follett, the Co-Founder of a Creative Director for the Lottie Dolls, emphasizes the importance of the positive body image they try to bring in with the Lottie Dolls. Lottie doll’s are based on the body of an average tween girl, and these dolls do not wear makeup, jewelry or high-heel shoes. Instead, they do all the activities girls of that age do – sports, karate, ballette, star gazing, fossil hunting and many other activities girls in real life like doing.
Lottie Dolls are an Awards Winner in the Positive Role Model category. The company dedicates its effort to present a Lottie in many ways to experience different events and stages of life:
• Butterfly Protector Lottie
• Kite Flyer
• Junior Reporter
• Always Artsy
• School Days Lottie
• Forest Friend Lottie
• Fossil Hunter
• Snow Queen
• Muddy Puddles
• Pandora’s box Lottie
• Wildlife Photographer
• Autumn Leaves Lottie
• Stargazer Lottie, and more
The emphasis is definitely on the life around us. A huge part of a Lottie family is animals. Lottie dolls are great caretakers. Lottie doll horses are a great part of this doll collection.

Support Younger Children’s Need for Play
There’s no Denying the Importance of #Toys & Play for Younger Children & Their Development. Original Lottie Dolls Are #InspiredByRealKids & mean a lot for Early Childhood Development https://t.co/s0KrGRoN9W pic.twitter.com/TwQT5jBoP9
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) December 30, 2017
Toys are extremely important in the life of the younger children. Why? Because they explore and reflect the outside, as well as the inside world, in a very different way than older children. Younger children need a social play with their peers; they need to manipulate materials (toys), engage all of their senses, and work through their own feelings, thoughts, emotions. That is why supplying younger children with toys early in their life makes a huge difference in the maturity and complexity of their internal development. The results will show up later in their lives. But for now, let your children play and enjoy the world of dolls, games, cars and those toys that are making a huge impact on different areas of their lives.
Lottie Dolls Are Inspired by Real Kids

Play-based learning benefits are significant in early childhood development.
Lottie dolls are awesome for play.