What am I talking about, you’ll ask. Well, my women, I just discovered Pantzies!
And what’s more exciting to me, I discovered Laura Stearn. She is the “smart pants” who had the courage – definitely the courage to make this revolution in women’s hygiene – to start and finish her project called PANTZIES.
Let’s take it one step-at-a-time.
I had a privilege to speak with Laura Stearn. The conversation was long and inspiring. Before I go into the product itself, please allow me to introduce to you a woman who had her own path in life and in business. And how her passions materialized into very many things in art, design, and, eventually, consumer products for you and me.
Here we go.
CelebrateWoman (CW) Laura, throughout your life, you designed and developed a lot of beautiful things in many Fashion Design Houses of Europe and Italy. What made you stop and start a new, relatively different project like Pantzies?
Laura Stearn (LS) The idea of pantzies came to me as a natural existing need in the today’s hygiene world for women. This industry hasn’t been improved upon for a long time. As consumer has become much more sophisticated, the products saw minimal improvement in the look and feel, and psychological aspiration of the consumer.
That is why my desire was to make a product that would not only function well and fulfill a certain need. For me, as part of the puzzle, was to make this product sexy and beautiful. A product that could inspire a woman for the whole day. Put a smile on her face.
This to me was a screaming need in the hygiene industry. And I decided to undertake this effort to complete this project for us, Women.
(CW) What was your inspiration for this project? What was your life before and after the creation of pantzies?
(LS) I guess each person goes through stages in their lives. Mine was living in different countries. Working for designer houses as a designing artist. Then I started focusing on business matters. Had my own company Novecento, which was later acquired.
It seemed to me that I have done so much in design. I felt fulfilled in my soul. That is why I wanted to work on a project on a larger scale. The project that would effect the well-being of millions of people and create a legacy of who I was trying to be throughout my life.
In this poor economic climate, we watch how the whole world came almost to a stop in so many areas of life. Though some industries like technology are booming, retail industry is still reluctant to try something new for their product lines.
However, in such times, there are opportunities. And I saw such opening for “feel good,” practical products.
With creation of pantzies, my life has become 10 times busier it was before it. This business is not only about designing a product per se. It is about running and developing a huge business machine that would take that product to the consumer.
(CW) Who are those remarkable people who influenced you in your creative, personal, and professional life?
(LS) Absolutely my parents. They gave me courage and inspiration to do things on my own from the very early stages of my life. I had their emotional and mental support. I still do.
Another remarkable person in my life, whom I love and respect, is my husband. Michael Wieters. He is the one who gave the pantzies economic legs, so to say. He is my back and a bouncing board for ideas. He’s my best friend.
My business thinking has been much influenced and supported by John Gibson. He is one of those rare birds who share their personal experience and give advice without bias. Truly respect this wonderful man.
(CW) Laura, what is the #1 Thing you would like your customers to know about your product – pantzies?
(LS) The #1 thing is that pantzies make every woman feel Fresh and Sexy! Every woman feels comfortable and good about her choice of pantzies.
(CW) If we put all your family and friends into one room at the same time, what would they say about Laura Stearn and her involvement with her company?
(LS) They would say Laura Stearn is hard working, savvy, creative, persistent.
On the human side, Laura Stearn is caring, positive, loving, open-minded, understanding.
Personally, I do not fight with people. I love people, whatever points of view they may have on different subjects. Every one of us has a kind and giving soul.
(CW) With all that stress and tough business environment, what keeps you going day after day?
(LS) My drive. Honestly, I see a bigger picture.
We as humans, have incredible intelligence and are connected to the energy and spirituality that drive us in life.
In my daily life, I crave knowledge, accomplishment, experience. It is my responsibility to unveil my potential through the gifts and skills I have as an individual. As a woman.
(CW) After a long day, when you close your eyes and reflect on your day, what goes through your heart and mind?
(LS) First, it is gratitude for the day, my husband, the roof over my head.
Then I start creating, seeing new products, ideas. There is a kaleidoscope of things that flashing through my mind. At times, I dream about all of it.
Next morning, I may get up with new ideas for my business and my new products. It is a fascinating process, dreaming. It often reveals what needs to be done. But I need to admit, I need to be totally at peace with myself to allow this creative energy flow through me and assist me in what I am doing.
Oh, my. What a great creative soul, Laura Stearn!
And this is not over yet. Come back for more about Laura’s creation – Pantzies.
Laura also will share with us all her challenges and successes of weight loss and maintenance. Stay tuned. You’ll get your curiosity satisfied.
What’s at the end? A huge SURPRISE!
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