RECAP: Colic may be natural, but it’s not healthy. Jacqueline creates a remedy.
CelebrateWoman (CW) Jacqueline, has your involvement with developing your Colic Calm product and creating your own company changed you self-image, and your relationships with family and friends?
Jacqueline Lawrence (Jacqueline) I feel like a new woman. The development of Colic Calm – remedy for baby’s colic, gas, and reflux – and running my own company took me to a different level of existence.
I feel confidence like at no time before. Most importantly, it is incredibly rewarding hearing feedback and stories how Colic Calm brings peace of mind and a quick fix to a little baby’s life. To be part of this process is invaluable to me.
I am thankful for the family I have and the need that forced me to find a solution to my son’s severe colic. It makes me happy to wake up every morning and go to work with one mission on my hands – helping mothers and their babies.
CW. Jacqueline, do you think your creation of Colic Calm will effect your life in the future?
Jacqueline. Colic Calm has already changed my life and my priorities inside the family and in business.
To let you into the secret, we are in the advanced stages to develop several more products to treat the whole family naturally.
My children and husband always come first. Knowing from my personal experience how tough and challenging it is to live with a sick baby, I am honored to provide a healthy choice solution to eliminate colics, gas, and reflux in babies.
CW. Jacqueline, what is the #1 thing you would like your customers to know about Colic Calm?
Jacqueline. First and foremost, how much Love goes into making this invaluable product. You can depend on the quality and purity of Colic Calm. There’s a lot of heart behind the product.
CW. Jacqueline, if I talked to all people you know, what would they tell me about you and your involvement with your Colic Calm company?
Jacqueline. Oh, (she’s smiling) they would say I’m a workaholic, in a positive way. That I am devoted, joyful, and passionate about what I do. I live a fulfilling life and run my own show!
CW. Jacqueline, how do you celebrate your achievements, mistakes, failures? And what keeps you going day after day?
I love what I do, and do what I love, which is to promote my business and help as many people as possible.
Fortunately, there were no major failures or miscalculations along the road. The company grew at the pace that was in my comfort zone.
One of the major things I learned is to never go against my gut feeling. I trust it and am in tune with it at all times.
CW. Is there anything that was s surprise to you that you did not expect on your way to creating Colic Calm?
Jacqueline. The biggest surprise on my way of developing Colic Calm was its growth rate. From being prepared in the kitchen for my personal and friends-and-family use, Colic Calm got the attention of CVS [a large, national pharmacy chain] with its nearly 7,000 stores nationwide. You will see us on their shelves starting July 2010.
Another interesting thing that always kept my attention was that the right people – connections – relationships came at the right time of our product development. I felt it was serendipity driving the whole process. Our business came to grow organically, so peacefully. I am grateful for the amazing network of people created during this process.
CW. At the end of the day, when you close your eyes and reflect on the day, just before you go to sleep, what goes through your heart and mind?
Jacqueline. A lot. New ideas. Challenges. Warm feelings that I love what I do. I love to relax before going to bed and to be calm. When I don’t have an answer to my problems, I just allow myself to sleep on it. The answer will come to me eventually, if I approach it with peace.
And yes, I would do it all over again if you asked me. Why? Remember, I am a woman with a mission to eliminate colic suffering. And allow moms to enjoy their motherhood.
What is next? Jacqueline reveals her secret formula for Colic Calm.
Curious about Jacqueline? More here:
A New Mom Gets It All: Colic, Gas, Burps and Sleepless Nights
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