Reading is one of the best pastimes that enrich our soles, widen our vocabulary and stimulate thinking process. We would like to offer you to win a graphic novel by Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura “I KILL GIANTS.” Though there’s a movie out based on this book, reading the book itself would make your reading time quite an adventure of itself.
$50 Visa + Book Giveaway
Mar 26 – Apr 4, 2018
Open to US
From the acclaimed graphic novel comes an epic adventure about a world beyond imagination. Teen Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe, The Conjuring 2) is the only thing that stands between terrible giants and the destruction of her small town.
But as she boldly confronts her fears in increasingly dangerous ways, her new school counselor (Zoe Saldana, Guardians of the Galaxy) leads her to question everything she’s always believed to be true. I Kill Giants is an intense, touching story about trust, courage and love from the producers that brought you Harry Potter.
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Prize – $50 Visa + I KILL GIANTS Book
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Ends at 11:59pm EDT on APRIL 4, 2018
26 thoughts on “Book Fans To Win $50 Visa Gift Card + I KILL GIANTS Book”
Be kind & loving, yet assertive and confident. Bullies rarely pick on those that will stand up for themselves.
By respecting themselves & others.
I don’t have kids but I have stood up for myself since I was a kid.
We have taught her to stand up for herself and others when she sees them being picked on. Thankfully it has stuck and she has “told” classmates off when they were being mean to other kids. Now if we could just get her to ask questions when she needs something when dealing with authority figures! She is “scared” to ask principal, teachers, etc when she has questions…yet she has no problem telling them when someone is being mean! LOL Go figure!
Teach my kids to have self confidence and to stand up for themselves.
Be a good role model and give them encouragement and confidence to build self esteem so they can stand up for themselves.
I teach them that everyone comes from different points of view and to try to put themselves into others shoes. I tell them that their opinions are just as important as everyone elses.
I think the best way to teach kids is to lead by example.
It begins with love, showing them, telling them, etc., so they know that they’re valued and can build the self-confidence necessary to maintain healthy boundaries. It involves making sure they know that it is right to take a firm stance against people who would try to take advantage of them or tear them down. Standing up for themselves makes a lasting impression upon how others perceive them, too.
I like to talk to them about the situations they can get into and how to handle them. When to step up and when to step back. What is worth the effort.
I tell them to have a good attitude and to be respectful and confident.
I teach them to speak up when someone is doing something wrong.
I think setting a good example speaks the loudest.
I tried to teachers my daughters when they were younger, and my grandsons now, that your voice should always be heard, and stand up for yourself and let your voice be heard.
I teach them to fight for what you believe in and to alway help other children that are being bullied.
I tell them you need to stand for something but that doesn’t mean you’ll stand for anything.
I teach kids to live a life focused on their values and beliefs, respect other people yet stand up in a non violent way if others are being mean or disrespectful.
Honestly this is something I struggle with myself, so I have a hard time knowing how to begin teaching my kids the same!
I don’t have any kids to teach. But I have worked with kids for years, and I used to teach them to use words instead of their fists or other physically harmful tools to deal with conflict, and especially to diffuse tension with humor.
I teach my kids to stand strong in their beliefs and not to fall for group mentality.
I think being a good role model for your children is important. That is always the first step.
I try to instill self confidence in my kids and always work on self esteem and standing up for their beliefs.
I have always told my kids to defend themselves against bullies and fight – by words or deeds not, necessarily fighting- for their beliefs
I teach them by example and have discussions on how to approach certain events. I do not want them getting in danger but I also want them to stand up for what is right.
I teach my kids to be honest and to pick their battles on what they stand up for and stand behind them.
We practice saying things that they can say to stand up for themselves.