READING Is A Road To Successes: Many of Them!
Reading is one of the basic and vital skills each child should have in their lives. With reading, children have an opportunity to build their successes: in both career and personal lives.
Reading has a powerful way to develop a growing brain. Imagination takes roots deeper. Reasoning skills empower a child with invaluable strategies. Compassion builds on the scenarios and stories that cannot be lived through in life.
Reading is that magic wand that gives our children wings to fly. That is why it should be our parental priority to provide all the necessary elements for a child to learn HOW-TO become a successful reader.
Some of the Best Examples of HOW-TOs
Are Easy to Emulate in Your Busy Life
You Yourself Need to Show That Daily Reading Brings Joy
There are a lot of things in life that cannot be taught, rather they are caught. Reading is one of them. With your personal example, show your child that reading is fun and an enjoyable pastime. You don’t need to preach to your child when she or he sees you reading books and magazines and newspapers all the time.
Reading online should be considered one of the tools as well, as millions of books are out there!
Going to your local library or Barne’s & Noble’s store could be an adventure every now and then. With such trips, you open up a world of books of different genre to enjoy and to learn about.
Play Games that Encourage the Learning of New Words
From playing word games in the car or during the walks and times together, to the board games at home or while traveling. Learning new words and understanding them are the ways the mind grows and becomes more flexible, versatile and more expressive in its capacity. Language skills are in direct proportion to boosting new vocabulary in each child.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see your child express herself eloquently and thoroughly and in detail and emotionally? All that is possible with an enriched vocabulary.
Here’s a game for the little ones that would make reading and learning new words nothing but a Swat!
Sight Word SWAT! is a fast paced, fun filled sight word game that is perfect for your kindergarten aged (and up) child. It comes with 110 double sided color coded sight word flies and 4 colorful swatters. With 220 words total, it is a go-to game to build reading skills. The game is very easy to set up and pretty self-explanatory.
You lay out the flies from the color coded level that most suits your child’s word knowledge. You then call out a word from one of the cards, and the kids race to swat the word first with their swatter. Whoever has the most flies at the end – wins.
Sight Word SWAT! is a great tool to use with your beginning readers. My son just started kindergarten this year and is in the process of learning sight words. They need to know 88 words by the end of the school year. He enjoys learning new words and practicing the, but sometimes flash cards and writing can get a bit boring.
Join In the Excitement of Learning Together!
#HOWTO Boost Reading Skills in Your Child In Two-Easy Steps #HeartThis #Homeschooling #GiftGuide #Toys #Games https://t.co/aO1r007653 pic.twitter.com/BLvLgLKHLT
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) October 15, 2017
His eyes about popped out of his head when he saw this game. Of course any game that allows him to use a swatter to smack stuff is an instant plus in his head! The thing that was an instant plus in my head was the fact he can play this game solo or with his buddies or cousins.
After having Sight Word SWAT! for a few weeks and playing it regularly, I have seen lots of growth in my son’s visual word recognition and in simple terms reading skills.
Following directions is another improvement I have seen in him, as we play the alternative ways also. He has gotten faster at swatting the right word on the first try instead of landing on a random word he was not aiming for.
He can read the words back to me at a faster pace than when we first got the game. Overall it is amazing improvement, and I am looking forward to challenging him by slowly adding new words from the next level into play.
I say get this game now, if you have a young reader in the house. It really does make learning fun.