Each person faces and lives through a million ways of fear, anger, disappointment. It is all so human to feel and experience every little bit of a myriad of our our emotions and feelings. Those who raise above these negative emotions and overcome weaknesses of dwelling in them achieve great life’s successes. Success of living in peace; success in creating with joy and content; success of sharing life with others in your unique ways.
When I was in high school, I really got interested in self-development books and was eager to read up anything I could find at that time. I read Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Seneca and many others. I read a ton of Russian outstanding writers and poets that offered their perspective on life and the heroes of their time and places.
Later, my life shifted to a new level of self-acceptance and growth as a human being. I got introduced and met many in person: Deepak Chopra, DJ, Marianne Williamson, Zig Ziglar, John C. Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robinson and many more. I found myself in the company of people who were like me, who offered their unique strategies to overcome weaknesses and build powerful stepping stones that would be pave a road to my dreams. I am infinitely thankful to all these mentors whom I encountered in real life and through books I discovered for myself.
What really matters is to keep our minds and hearts open to new information. The teacher shall appear when we are ready. And for such readiness, keeping our minds open to possibilities and differences is the key. I keep learning and discovering and building my inner power thanks to a huge support of human thought and practice.
Here’s one of the mentors, authors and a woman-entrepreneur Dr. Tae Yun Kim who came to this country and built her mega business by teaching Martial Arts. Here’s her 4 Strategies on HOW TO overcome weaknesses and add to our inner power and creativity.

Don’t Be Afraid of Your Weaknesses – Face Them!
It’s difficult for most of us to identify our weaknesses, because we are always trying to emphasize our strengths and hide our weaknesses. One reason we don’t like to admit to our faults is that most of us live life as though we’re “onstage,” performing roles like mother, father, breadwinner, employee, employer, student, and so on.
As we perform, others constantly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our performances and we evaluate ourselves too
We have certain qualities, or “strengths,” that tend to lead us into greater harmony and peace, and we have other qualities, or “weaknesses,” that tend to undermine or sabotage the good we try to do and the full expression of our innate power.
Because we are performance-oriented, we have a natural tendency to emphasize our strengths and gloss over our weaknesses. That is why social media is so popular. People want to be the star of their own movie and display their wonderful abilities and accomplishments, whether it’s showing how well they can play an instrument, discipline their children, train their dogs, or critique the latest political crisis.
When you identify and confront your weaknesses, the truth is that you have just gained an increment of power because you are taking the first step to rise above that weakness. You can’t take that step when you won’t admit that you even have a weakness. Life, in fact, is designed to challenge us by bringing up those weaknesses so that we can look them in the eye and choose to confront and overcome them.
Examine the Source of Your Fear
I believe that our strengths and our weaknesses are equally important to us. Both are part of the complete package that is you. There is no shame in having a weakness. All living things have their weaknesses and their strengths.
It’s also important to realize that what we sometimes perceive as a weakness is really a fear to try something because others have convinced us that we are not good at it.
Whether we realize it or not, we do have a great influence on the lives of others. Something we say or do can give others a boost or it can clip their wings. We have to make sure we don’t undermine or sabotage others – and make sure we are not allowing anyone to do that to us.
In other words, in whatever circumstance you are in, it’s crucial to surround yourself with those who are excited about encouraging you and cheering you on to your victory.
Be Objective, Not Critical
Is the Next Step
To Unlock Your Inner Power
When assessing your strengths and weaknesses, be careful to be objective, rather than critical. Take a moment now to reflect on your own life as if you were both doctor and patient.
Relax, close your eyes, and ask yourself what sort of things in your life right now are causing you to feel unhappy, depressed, stressed, or unsuccessful? Try to identify the real cause of that unhappiness, not the symptoms alone. What mental or emotional “cancer” is holding you back that you may not have wanted to admit to yourself?
The process of taking a hard look at yourself requires great energy. Maybe you don’t think you’re up to it or maybe you use the excuse that you’ll get to it later.
Yet how much energy do you think you’ve been expending trying to keep your weaknesses hidden? I promise that you’ll be amazed at the surge of energy and relaxation you will feel when you begin to release your weaknesses.
HOW TO Remove Weaknesses
Are the Weaknesses You React to in Others in You?
During the process of self-analysis, you may notice that others have weaknesses you don’t have. A word of warning: If you find yourself reacting, especially reacting emotionally, to a person’s weakness, there is a 99.9 percent chance that you also have that weakness within you.
Anger, fear, resentment, laziness, despair, pessimism, selfishness, arrogance, revenge, sarcasm, criticism, jealousy, worry – these are only a few of the weak, powerless states of mind to be conquered.
You’ll know you’re well on your way to conquering these characteristics when you find yourself reacting with compassion to them in another or in yourself. Compassion also means that you have lost your fear of the weakness, and that is the first step to removing it.
The next step to removing your weakness is to replace it with a quality that negates it, one that is the opposite of the bad quality. By replacing your weaknesses with strengths – replacing anger with love, laziness with action, selfishness with selflessness, and so on – you will have done everything you need to do to conquer these enemies of your well-being.
Be aware, too, that there is a flip side to the tendency to see our own weaknesses in others: sometimes we don’t see our own beauty and innately good qualities, even though we recognize them in others.
That is true because we can only truly recognize the greatness in others if we have that same quality within ourselves. We see ourselves through other people. They are a mirror, helping us recognize both our weaknesses and our strengths.
I’d like to leave you with one more possibility – a book by Dr. Tae Yun Kim “SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER: How To Break Through To Awesome, Life Secrets From a Martial Arts Master.“