Your body is a sacred cradle that allows you to live out your dreams, contribute to this world with your infinite gifts and skills that you learn along the way. One of the things that allows you to live a healthy life of homeostasis is your body’s optimal pH or acid/alkaline level.
Besides, one of the ways to get ahead of the bodily internal inflammation is strive to lower acidity effects from foods and ways of living. When we keep acidity low, we control internal inflammation of the body as well.
Some body parts like skin and stomach need to be a bit acidic to function properly, while your blood and saliva call for a more alkaline environment to perform their functions.
The Effects of Too Much Acid in the Body
When this unique balance of acid and alkalinity is disturbed, the physical body reacts with a variety of signs of such disturbance.
Just take a look at the acidity effects in the body when the homeostasis is disturbed. When the body becomes too acidic, one or more of these signs occur:
– Heartburn
– Gout
– Burning bladder
– Stiff, sore joints and muscles
– Kidney stones
– Gall stones
– Bad breath
– Body odor
– Dry skin
– Weak nails
– Weak Immune system
– Constipation
– Bad mood and irritability
– Smelly sweaty feet
– Low energy
Cause of Acidity
When the body is denied the alkaline minerals to maintain the balance between acid and alkalinity, anybody of us can experience one or more effects of excess acidity in the body. The minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium – are the key holders to a happy acid/alkaline balance in the body.
As our daily diet is rich in processed foods, sugar, white flour, and is accompanied by high stress – our bodies are flooded with acid forming chemicals. If high acidity is maintained for prolonged period of time, the body can suffer severe damage.
How to Reduce Acidity in Body
Take a Physical Exam before you employ any tactics or remedies. You need to know that your body has pH imbalance.
Eat a Plant-Based Diet. Vegetables are low in sugar and fats, and help to reduce stomach acidity.
Alkalize your body with quality supplements.
Effects of Acidity in Stomach
Many do know what acid reflux is. Constant burps and burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus can be painful. Diet plays a huge role in maintaining a normal acidity of the stomach.
When we eat junk foods and highly processed foods, we automatically increase the stomach acid. Living under a high stress without controlling it also adds additional acid into our stomachs, thus overall body.
Acid can build up in the stomach overtime. And we consume foods which add additional acid, then the body becomes overwhelmed.
Foods and lifestyle choices that add additional acid to the stomach
Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and pineapple can cause acid build-up. Apples, grapes, bananas, melon, and pear are much better options.
Vegetables: Most vegetables fit into a low acid diet, but fried, canned, or creamed veggies should be avoided. Some people find that onions and tomato-based products bother them.
Dairy products: Whole milk, high-fat creams, chocolate milk, and strongly flavored cheeses should be avoided. Low-fat and fat-free products are much safer.
Grains: Any grains that are made with whole milk or cream.
Meats: High-fat meats, cold cuts, chicken wings, sausage, bacon, poultry skin, and fried or greasy meats. Skinless chicken and lean beef are better choices.
Beverages: Alcohol, coffee, mint tea, hot cocoa, and other caffeinated beverages
Spicy foods: Hot peppers, curry, garlic, and salsa are some examples.
Fiber: Too much fiber can cause acid production to go into overdrive since it takes a long time for the food to pass through the stomach.
Ulcers or cancers: Either of these can lead to an increase in the production of the hormone gastrin, which increases acid production.
Stress: Research shows people who are severely stressed produce more acid in their stomachs.
Infection: Bacterial infection by the bacterium H. pylori can also increase acid production.
Irregular meals: Not having meals at a regular time or having long gaps between meals can result in acid accumulation.
Lack of sleep: This can also increase acid production in some individuals
How to get rid of excessive stomach acid & lower acidity effects overall
Apple Cider Vinegar: Offering healthy digestive enzymes helps with heartburn. Consuming apple cider vinegar before or after meal will be beneficial to the body and will reduce burning effects of acid.
Herbal Teas: Caffeine Free herbal teas can sooth the stomach. Chamomile, licorice, slippery elm, and marshmallow are excellent for acid reflux. Avoid peppermint or spearmint teas, though.
Eat Green: Choosing fresh vegetables on the daily basis will help to avoid the burning sensation in the stomach, as vegetables are naturally alkaline. Basil has soothing agents in it and can be effective to lower acidity in the stomach.
Chew Slowly: When we focus on the food we chew, we coat food with saliva, thus partially digesting it before it gets into the stomach.
Use Multiforce® alkalizing multi-mineral dietary supplement to lower harmful everyday acidity.
HOW-TO Affect Acidity Levels with Multiforce When Taken Daily
Whether you experience a life with high stress, show signs of higher acidity, smoking or consuming alcohol, have osteoarthritis* or simply wish to maintain your daily body alkalinity, here’s how Multiforce helps with it.
– Replenishes the minerals, including electrolytes, lost during exercise
– Prevents cramping
– Increases the amount of acid buffers available to the body – therefore increasing the length of time until fatigue
– Lowers blood lactate levels during steady state exercise and reducing muscle soreness
– Improves recovery time after strenuous exercise
Enter to Win Full Size MULTIFORCE Product HERE
Effects of Acidity on Skin
Normal adult skin is somewhat acidic, ranging between 4 to 6 in pH. Our diet and skin products affect our skin health.
Our protective barrier made of sebum, skin oil, and perspiration form a protective barrier from the outside intruders and all kinds of pathogens. As our skin is a bit on the acidic side, using highly alkaline products, especially soap and cleansing substances on a high alkaline scale could be damaging to the skin. The skin is being stripped off the protective coating and becomes exposed to bacteria, allergens, fungi that can irritate and infect our precious organ.
To make a better decision what products to use on our skin, we need information of the pH for each skin care product. Voila, it is not a norm that this piece of data is printed on the label! That is why we need to test the product first to see how it effects our skin.
Things to Improve Skin Texture
Test any skin product before starting your new routine.
Dry Skin would benefit from a more acidic skin care product that will reduce dryness and sensitivities. However, when you consume a lot of whole foods like vegetables and fruit, your overall body acid/alkaline levels would improve and produce a positive effect on your skin.
Lower acidity effects of your body by taking a small step. Every day.
PIN On Your Health Board
*Van Velden DP, Reuter H, Kidd M, Muller FO. Non-allopathic adjuvant management of osteoarthritis by alkalinisation of the diet. Afr J Phrm Health Care Fam Med. 2015:7(1), Art. #780, 7 pages.
59 thoughts on “HOW TO Lower Acidity Effects With Affordable Remedies”
These are some great tips to beat acid reflux and heartburn! I need to try multi-force and see if it works for me!
I take shots of apple cider vinegar when I am about to eat a highly acidic meal. It really helps. I also use apple cider vinegar in my homeade salad dressings. It’s such good stuff. I’ve been really wanting to try the Multiforce Alkelizer.
Very informative article. Nothing beats natural remedies.
Yikes!! I def didnt know the acid levels in my body could cause all that!! I have heard of apple cider vinegar being good for yu but no one ever explained why,,Thank you so much!
I realized that many of my favorite foods and ones that I eat often are on the high acidity list so I will have to think about that in terms of food choices.
Acid can really wreak havvock on our bodies. I suffer with some of these things. Great informative article. I can’t wait to try this product. Thank you so much for sharing
I habe a lot of these symptoms. Worth looking into
This was a very informative article! Some of the things I knew but I didn’t know lack of sleep could affect acid production.
This is a very interesting article, I was not aware of the effects of acidity.
I don’t think I ever heard of this, very interesting and something to look out for.
Some of the things listed I have, and I couldn’t figure out why but now I know what it is and what can be done about it.
I think everyone should read this article! So much useful information. I started having apple cider vinegar and it has been a life changer! Also adding a ton of greens into diet. I think a lot of people aren’t educated enough on this. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the great information. I can not go a day without taking medication for my heartburn. That is how severe it is. 🙁
I wasn’t aware of this. I really should look into it more.
These are good tips
I know that most of the food list cause this as I have stomach issues, but I also LOVE all these foods. I was most surprised at bananas though. Never had that one bother me and never knew it had that much acid. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions.
This was a very interesting read. Thank you for sharing.
I have several symptoms of stomach acidity. Thanks for the suggestions on treating, can’t wait to try some of them out!
thanks for the info, I was surprised to see a lot of the symptoms I have could be due to too much acid in the body. Definitely going to try some remedies to see if that will help me.
The key is to try one and stick with it for a few days and see how it would work for your body.
Many make mistake of introducing several NEW things into their daily routine.
Just one small step – stick with it. Then try something else.
Some great ideas. I need to try. Thanks for sharing
I have to say, a friend of mine constantly tells me to make sure I am more alkaline than acidic. She tells me what foods to eat and which to avoid. I try to comply but it’s not always easy. This post really breaks it into easy pieces to follow. I am saving it for the future.
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.
I fight constantly with acidy problems! You have some great tips to help lessen the problem!
Nice to have something to help with heartburn.
Ultimately it’s all about balance. Ensuring balance in what you eat and how active you are helps with a wide variety of ailments.
This post is very informative! I definitely need to follow this, I know it’ll help a lot.
I just learned of this product for the first time about a week ago, and I was really interested in it. How funny to find a review of it here, too! It’s great to learn more about it, and I am still interested in trying it.
Start with one thing to try and stick with it for a while to see how it affects your body.
Changes in diet choices do make a huge difference!
Also, if you want to try this product, the company offers free product with the payment for shipping & handling. You may consider to try it.
I love this post because it was both educational and informational.
Great information. I have been curious about an alkaline diet. I may try using apple cider vinegar before or after a meal to reduce the effects of acidity in the stomach!
Small steps and testing things like apple cider, adding more fresh veggies to your diet could truly make changes within your body.
From my experience, start with one thing at a time and stick with it for a while. Feel and see how you feel and if any changes have been in effect.
this was a great post as it was information I was wanting to know more about. I try to keep my body balanced and need to make sure I get more sleep and stress less. I will stick to my ACV everyday too.
Very informative blog especially how to remedy the problem with stomach ailments.
I have had a bad stomach for so long. The Dr. could not find the problem so he wanted me to go on antidepressants. For him it was all in my head. For me it is in my gut. I will have to try some of these acid fighting remedies. I will have to drink the apple cider YUCK. Thank you for all the info.
It is important to listen to your “gut!”
It’s not just in your head. If something is bothering you, and you feel it, then you gotta find out what it is all about.
Go with one small step, Kim. Stay away from introduction of several new things into your routine at once.
Who knew so many things could contribute to your body acidity
I love these ideas, I am 57 and I am Post Menapausal and my body is all crazy on me, I will try some of these ideas to see if they help
I’d imagine it causes inflammation too.
My mother who lived to be in here nineties would take a tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with water everyday. I have a hard time doing this just because of taste but a product like this might give me the same benefit.
Me and my hubby both often suffers from acidity. These are some great tips to try out at home. I like all these natural and easy to follow remedies. Thanks for sharing!
I’m amazed at the myriad of ways one could have too much acid in the body. For instance, weak nails. I would’ve never even thought about the acid content.
very interesting,,i didnt even think about acid,,and after reading this i think that i may have to change my eating habits ,,
Such great facts! I’m going to start using my ACV more!
As a nurse, I know how important homeostasis is for the body. As a human, I am not very good at this. This is a great article. I really need to try this product soon. Thank you so much for sharing
Very interesting post, thank you so much for sharing!! I am all about natural, home remedies, I do not like meds at all!
I had no idea the toll acidity can take on your body. Looking at the effects on the body I was surprised by a number of them.
I didn’t know all this before, so it was great to read!
Wow didn’t know that those were affects of to much acid in the body
Great info I learned alot
Thanks for sharing! I’m definitely going to check this out as I have been having stomach problems for quite some time. I have read a little about acidity and alkalizing, but haven’t looked into it a whole lot. I may have just found the solution to my problems! Worth a try!
I have read quite a few articles on this. Thanks for posting.
I’ve had issues with my joints swelling and being extremely painful, out of the blue, over the past year or so – it’s gotten worse the past few months. I question gout as my mom has it, though – the docs say arthritis. Now that it’s worse with me awaking to not being able to walk on my foot most recently – they’re listening more to my complaints and getting more blood tests and xrays. All I know is that someone – something needs to fix me and if it takes me to find that something that will help – I’ll do it.
Yes, you will. Let’s move on and forward and learn from different sources.
I find it that when I read up a ton of information from many sources, listen what the doc has to say, and then synthesize it all – my mind comes up with a highly customized solution to my own body and what it needs.
I love your determination. Have faith in it. Hugs.
This is a great article. I need to really start consuming a “apple cider shot” like I use to to reduce my stomach acid. I also need to chew more slowly. Great tips!
Aside from carbs, spicy foods and dairy are my biggest problems! Need to try to incorporate more of the good foods/drinks to counteract the bad!
I think this acid problem bothers me a whole lot so I’m gonna start to invest in this. If it’s cheap and helps me feel better and get along better with people seems like that could be useful to me.
Very informative. I had no idea that acid could affect your body in so man ways.
I will have to check this out. It may help my situation.