Meet The UnDiet Project’s Lisa Turner
There is so much I wish to tell you about The UnDiet Project. Through it I have been able to meet some extraordinary individuals who have contributed to the Project. Their heart, spirituality, and encouraging messages lift me daily.
I am learning so much from them…not only about keeping the weight off, but about how daily life can be improved in simple, yet beautiful ways.
Every day with UnDiet, you are treated to, not only Life Affirmations, but also Fresh Views. A small rotating group of wonderful contributors who add new dimension and new approaches, with their Fresh Views on keeping your weight off once you’ve lost it.
I am so happy to introduce you to Lisa. She is an extraordinary woman, whose life, and life views, are an inspiration to me.
Lisa is a nutrition consultant, food writer and psychology of eating coach, with more than 25 years experience. She has written five books and hundreds of articles on nutrition, natural foods and healing. She is a featured blogger with The Huffington Post and Whole Foods Market. Her work has been featured in Self Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, Vegetarian Times, Yoga Journal and others.
Lisa developed The Healthy Gourmet iPhone app, and is a co-founder of Boulder Organic Foods, KidDrinx SuperPunch and Wholly Bites, a gluten-free Paleo snack company. She is also the inspired creator of many of our UnDiet Project Slimming Family Recipes.
As a nutrition writer, Lisa specializes in emphasizing the specific healing attributes of foods. As a food psychology coach, she writes and consults on binge eating, chronic dieting, and mindful eating.
Here is a taste of what Lisa has to share with us in The UnDiet Project…
How To Love Yourself Through Eating.
You’ve already read plenty about the importance of self-love in body image, food, weight and health. You probably know you can’t flog, demean or shame yourself into changing. But you may not know exactly how to love yourself — or what that even means.
How do you learn to love yourself? Start with these six basics:
1. Make yourself a priority.
Every time you deny your physical needs — you stay up just a little longer when you need to sleep, or work right through the flu, or “hold it” when you really have to pee – you send the message to your body that it’s not important. We do this all day long with food; we shovel down breakfast on the way to take our kids to school, or we rush through lunch so we can get those last few emails sent, or we skip dinner because we’re dieting. Then we expect the body to perform for us, like a dog doing tricks.
You must make yourself be a priority, if for no other reason than your desire to eat better and/or lose weight. Begin by recognizing that you are your first relationship. I’m not saying to ignore your child, neglect your friendships, or run roughshod over the needs of others. I’m saying to make yourself one of your friends, and treat yourself like a beloved child.
(to be continued…)
Consume more of Lisa’s amazing insight with The UnDiet Project, here.
The Place for Daily Inspiration.
A daily dose of nourishing information to lift your spirit and control your weight.
© The UnDiet Project. All Rights Reserved.
14 thoughts on “How To Love Yourself Through Eating #UnDietProject”
I love the idea of this book it empowers me
I love this concept. It is a “whole person” approach to weight loss. Mind/body/spirit. I can’t wait to read more about it. It is certainly something that I am in need of and I am interested in.
Thank you for the post.Is there a food or group of foods that can lower blood pressure?Thank you!
Sounds like a holistic practical approach that would work.
I need to lose some weight, so this looks like a great and different approach. I thank you for the information.
I’m really interested in learning more. I’ve signed up for when the “program” becomes available. I wonder what the cost is.
I could really connect with Lisa’s food concepts. The un-diet sounds like exactly what I need!
It’s back to basics & it makes sense. If we take care of our bodies, they’ll keep taking care of us!
Keeping pounds off once you loose them is a job in itself. Takes a lot of constant work. But the outcome makes it so much more worth it. Makes a person love themselves so much more.
I wish I could keep it off once I lost it! 🙁
This sounds interesting. I haven’t read a book in quite a while.
I love the idea of respecting your body and it’s needs!
The Undiet sounds like a great weight loss plan.
Thanks for this post. Glad to see paleo listed!