In the past years when I began paying more attention to my feet health, I was questioning weather it’s healthy to wear narrow width women’s shoes. I’ve done my research and talked to experts to identify the pluses and minuses of wearing narrow or very tight shoes.
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Do Bad Shoes Affect Your Body?
The answer to a question if your badly chosen shoes affect your body health is a definitive YES. The podiatrists, chiropractors, and even neurosurgeons point out some pivotal problems that trigger many chronic diseases.
Here’s what happens if your shoes are too narrow. The major negative and very painful effects from wearing wrong shoes can trigger bodily injuries that become chronic pains and aches.
Narrow shoes damage bones and surrounding them soft tissues. The podiatrists say that even a short-term wear can cause such injures to your feet.
Wearing the shoes that are too narrow or too high can amplify and intensify the existing problems such as arthritis in feet, ankles, knees and hips. Besides such painful intensification of the pain, such shoes can easily create new, compounded problems on the entire body structure. Beginning with your feet and resonating to your lower back, neck, and even arms.
Check out more on Shoes for Good Posture that affect the health of your back.
Remember, our body is a finely-tuned mechanism that compensates for a long time to accommodate our wrong-doing. But it is inevitable that at one point of time, the body will reveal the problem through a constant, chronic pain.
Tight Shoes Cause Physical Foot Deformity and Chronic Pain
Usually, the too narrow shoes affect the toes. Here are some problems that arise from wearing tight and narrow shoes.

Ingrown Toenails
One of the wide-spread pains as a result of narrow, tight shoes are ingrown toenails. They are super painful and take time to heal, leave alone carry a cost of your trip to a doctor. If you correct it once and continue wearing the old narrow and tight shoes, the problem will return.
Corns and Calluses
Your toes can form corns and calluses as a protective barrier from the wrong shoes you wear constantly. If narrow shoes are your choice of footwear, you can discover that calluses have become bunions, a more permanent painful feature on the feet.
In fact, for those with hereditary bunions, wearing small, narrow shoes could expedite and trigger progression of such condition.
Metatarsalgia Foot Pain
Another type of “invisible” pain in the feet is called metatarsalgia which is a pain manifesting in the ball of the foot.
Being aware that our feet are a very unique and complex parts of our bodies will help you make smarter decision while choosing the right shoe for your daily or holiday wear. Focusing on narrow width women’s shoes due to a fashion trend can aggravate many bodily systems. From feet to low back pain, you may develop chronic conditions throughout the entire body.
Morton’s Neuroma Foot Pain
For example, the front of our feet are a complex compilation of nerves and bones. And if we place the toes of the feet into a squeezed, super tight place day after day, can you imagine what is happening to those bones and nerves?

In fact, they are not only follow a path to deformity. In addition, your feet can can experience numbness, tingling, burning. And it’s all due to constant nerve irritation that causes its inflammation from high pressure of the shoe. Such condition can become Morton’s Neuroma that is carries all of the above symptoms.
Here’s a detailed post on How to Have Healthy Feet. It covers foot hygiene and a buying guide for the best fitted shoes.
More information that could guide you to buy the best Plantar Fasciitis shoes.
Examples of Proper Shoes with Plenty of Toe Wiggle Room
When I began learning about how to find proper shoes for healthy feet, I started trying out many different shoe brands. It took me many trial-and-error pairs of shoes. However, I now know from my personal experience what works and what doesn’t.
For example, I like Lugz shoes, as they promote good posture with a solid foot support.
Here are examples of Sneakers for Good Posture in Women. Plus more information on how shoes affect your posture.

Featured: Lugz Oxford Sneakers for women
Whether you live in a warmer climate or have to go through seasons, Lugz has shoes and boots, for both men and women, to accommodate your daily activities. They have a wide selection of walking shoes, working boots, sneakers of many designs and colors. These shoes that have been designed for good posture and comfortable wear have several features to support your health.
– Every Lugz shoe and boot are made with plenty of room for the toes.
– Choose any Lugz shoes or boots to enjoy a sturdy support in the heel area.
– Discover a special Lugz collection for non slip shoes, which are super important for different climates and work environments.

Check out my detailed post on the importance of choosing the best walking shoes for overweight women.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Narrow Width Women’s Shoes
It does make a huge difference when you buy shoes that are 1/2 size bigger than smaller. The fact is that one of our feet is a bit bigger than the other. So, size your new pair of shoes up to a bigger foot!
Yes, as you find from the post above, too narrow shoes create very tight conditions for the toes. Being a huge epicenter of bones and nerves, tight shoes will squeeze them so tight that the damage can be done within a short period of time. If you wear such tight shoes all the time, due to your fashion preferences or a job requirements, then you may develop chronic conditions and pains throughout your body.
The shoes should be a comfortable fit, not too loose and not too tight. Both fittings can cause different problems for the body.
As a rule, use your index finger to slide between your heel and the heel of the shoes. If it is too tight, then you probably need to look into a bigger size shoe.
Foot doctors recommend to keep toes relatively free inside the shoes. It means, you need to have a bit of room before your toes touch the end of the shoe.
You can test yourself if the shoes are good for your healthy feet: just curl your toes inside the shoe. You would be able to curl them without any restriction, if the shoes are a good fit.
Please consider the above information when you choose narrow width women’s shoes for your daily wear. You deserve a vibrant life, a healthy life. Shoes play a distinctive role in any woman’s anti-aging life routine. Investing into a quality pair of shoes pays off, as you save on your doctor’s bills to correct the misdoings of the poorly fitted shoes.
117 thoughts on “Is It Healthy for Women to Buy Narrow Width Shoes?”
My daughter has very narrow feet, so she has to get narrow shoes. I need wide.
These is a great list of why you shouldn’t wear shoes that are too narrow or tight. I know I have been guilty of it myself in the past. Now I look for footwear that is comfortable. I love Lugz!
The earlier we learn about the facts on wearing different types of shoes, the better it is for our health.
I guess it depends if the person has a wide foot or not. They need to be comfortable most importantly.
These look stylish and I appreciate the info on the effect of narrow shoes. Thanks much
these look really comfortable to wear and stylish too. love to try them.
Comfortable shoes are a must!
Ultimately, the feet and their health determine the well-being of our entire body.
I won’t wear shoes unless they are comfortable.
You are one of a few who do it all the time.
I always look for wide width if I can get them. Recently had a pair of regular width & experienced that metatarsalgia, never knew there was a name for it and had to search for something more suitable. I can’t imagine having slender feet to the point that you need something smaller than regular width shoes.
You’re doing the right thing. And thinking about different scenarios during the day that your feet have to go through is a great way to keep in mind during shoe purchase.
I agree, more healthy to buy shoes that are comfortable for you. My feet have widened over time and I prefer comfort over fashion. even my 19 year old, who loves those high heels but can’t wear them due to knee surgery years ago now prefers comfort and has found lots of cute comfy styles.
Today, we really have a much richer variety in shoes to support our feet health while enjoying the style, colors and different design elements.
So happy to hear that your daughter goes after comfort and support in her shoe wear.
I realized that I need a wide. It definitely makes a difference when you get the right width shoe.
I find when I spend my day on feet for a long time, the feet tend to expand, hence they sure need extra room inside the shoe. I like spacious shoes that accommodate my needs.
Proper fitting shoes are very important.
I have a medium to wide foot and comfort is important to me so I would not buy a narrow shoe.
It is great that you keep in mind the needs of your feet. Wise person you are.
Your feet are very important.
These look really comfy and that’s pretty much all I wear now, comfortable shoes.
Wise you are, my awesome reader!
Thank you for this interesting post. I love a great fit in a shoe, especially walking shoes.
Thank you for your feedback.
I wish our kids would receive information like this one in the post at school.
The earlier they learn, the stronger their sense of well-being would be.
Nothing worse than tight shoes. I will never buy narrow widths.
I never liked narrow shoes or the shoes with narrowed nose. These types of shoes really do a huge disfavor to any woman who’s worn such styles for a long time.
I have a number of problems with my feet and find it difficult to find comfortable shoes. Very interesting and informative post. Thanks
Thank you for your feedback.
Share with me via email WHY you find it difficult to find shoes that fit your needs. I’ll work deep into the issue and shall find you an answer.
Really appreciate the very informative article. I believe this article applies to men as well.
Yes, the information is applicable to all, men and women alike.
As my audience is almost 100% women, I address them directly.
But you are correct, this info works for every human being.
Great information! Now I know why I have some of the problems I do! Thank you!
If the post was helpful even in one little thing that will change your well-being for the better, then my mission has been fulfilled. So happy for you!
I wore high heels a lot when I was younger and it really messed up my feet.
We understand many things later in life. But it is not too late, really.
I need shoes like this.
I have wide feet so I always buy wide width shoes.
These are that perfect combo of both cute and comfy too
This is a really interesting post. I know I am guilty of doing this in the past.
This was so interesting! I had no idea how narrow width shoes affected my body…Thanks for sharing!
I have very narrow feet, therefore I buy narrow width shoes. But I wouldn’t do so if my feet weren’t so narrow.
Thanks for the info I prefer my shoes to be on wide side
I try to always find shoes that fit the shape of my feet where I have a little room.
These are cute. I love the peach color. I have never had to buy narrow shoes so I have never really given though to it.
I am a wide width so it is hard for me to find shoes. Narrow is never an option. But to get shoes that fit across and lengthwise is tough.
That’s what I hear from the people. I have a relative who is always on the look for comfy shoes every season. Finding a good fit is problematic.
I don’t think narrow shoes are good for anyone.
I have had so many problems with my feet: plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, bunions, hammertoe and also had to have two total knee replacements that were probably caused by feet. Moral of the story, pay attention to the comfort of your feet.
Your testimonial speaks volumes.
I have wore shoes that are too tight because they looked good.
You are not the only one who has done it. I am one of them.
But at some point of my life, I decided to choose wisely what shoes I wear.
my mom has shoe problems. Thanks for sharing.
I like that comfortable, well-fitting shoes can also be stylish.
I see so many women torture themselves by wearing high heels. Never understood the concept behind this.
I wore shoes that were narrow until I went in the Air Force. They gave me shoes that fit my feet. Now I know that I wear a wide shoe and that has made all the difference.
That is an amazing example when change in your life’s circumstances have changed your shoe story and preference.
I actually used to NEED narrow shoes but as I’ve aged I’m now an average width
You are on the opposite spectrum with a need for the narrow width. I do know a few of my friends who are specifically looking for the narrow shoes to fit their feet comfortably.
Glad that now you can enjoy a regular width, though.
I can’t stand to wear shoes that are too tight or narrow. I do a lot of walking so I need my shoes to be comfotable.
Walking won’t take a long time to figure out the right shoes to wear!
Good for you and all the walking you do.
Great tips!! I have bunions on both of my big toes and my pinky toes are both hammer toed. It can get painful at time. I now wear arch supports and don’t wear anything that hurts.
At some point, there comes the moment of truth to wear the shoes we need, rather than want.
But these days, there are companies that really do a great job in design, color choices with the comfortable fit for the shoes.
Correct fitting shoes with proper heel height will safe your feet and back in latter years.
So important
I am hearing it from a pro like you are!
I can’t stand to wear shoes that are too tight or narrow- I’m all about the comfort!
I never wear tight or uncomfortable shoes. I do not a single pair of heels.
You are the wise one among us.
I would never wear shoes that were uncomfortable, just for their looks.
There were occasions when I squeezed my feet into the shoes for the show, as there were no alternatives. Now, I wear quality footwear that fit my feet and are bought for each activity within my lifestyle: running, walking, dinner, home.
I’ve always bought shoes that fit me comfortbly and had good support.
It’s not a case for me. I used to own shoes that were not completely comfortable to wear all the time. But those were special life’s circumstances. I could not have any shoes I needed.
I have wide feet so I dont really like narrow width shoes.
i have wide feet and a high arch so now i know to choose my shoes carefully
I have family member who has high arches. This is one of the unique characteristics that makes shoe choices challenging, but not impossible.
doesn’t sound like a good idea
I guess it’s a good thing that I have wide feet. I obviously cannot wear narrow shoes. I wear Skechers and they are so comfy!
You’ve got the perfect feet that carry your structure. And luckily for the feet, you treat them well.
I wore shoes that weren’t good for my feet when I was younger and now I’m paying for it now. I have callus issues and my toes are pinched!
I hope people do see your comment with the message broadcasted wide and loud.
I’m not one for uncomfortable shoes. They definitely affect your posture and overall wellbeing so no narrow shoes for me. I have a wider foot anyway.
I’ve been pretty good with my shoes. Though at one point in my life, I did wear some fancy shoe designs that were not friendly to the feet.
This is such good info to know. I have never bought narrow shoes
Lots of really important information! I’ll have to keep this in mind the next time I’m shoe shopping.
I prefer wider shoes. Glad they have so many out there right now.
I have the weirdest feet, it’s almost impossible to find comfortable ones. At size 11, there are so few choices, no half sizes, no choice of widths. Specialty stores only. It’s super frustrating!
Important advice. I know from my own mistakes in the past it causes ingrown nails.
I am on my feet for more than 8 hours at work, therefore my feet/toes have to be comfortable. I don’t think I could wear narrow width shoes.
I think we reassess our view on shoes, style and comfort as we become wiser. I used to wear high heel shoes.
Unless you have narrow feet I don’t think you should. You should get shoes that fit, that is my opinion anyways.
This is a great opinion for the health of the feet and the entire body!
Not everybody foregoes the fashionable look, though.
My feet are so small that I have a hard time finding comfortable fitting shoes. But wider is always more comfortable for me. Thanks for all the information
I hear you. Small sizes are overlooked by the mass production.
Where do you buy your shoes to get what you want?
I keep away from pointy shoes and such. It’s not natural for your feel.
Same here. But I did have designer shoes that I wore frequent enough.
While I have narrow feet and have luckily not had a problem, my mom has wider feet and I know she gets pain when the shoes that she wears are too narrow for them.
It’s always better to have a bit bigger shoes, if she wants to maintain her health.
YES bad shoes hurt your health, hence the reason I have such bad feet. I made the bad mistake of wearing snow boots at work last year, mostly because I was too lazy to change, and it really hurts my knees.
Such good information! I wish my daughter would have read this years ago. My daughter bought a pair of shoes that were too narrow while she was in high school and they caused her so many problems. We couldn’t figure out what was going on until we realized it was the shoes. Even after getting rid of the shoes, it took months before she was back to her normal self.
It’s incredible how much is tied up to our feet! I myself had a very painful experience and learned a ton about my feet and what is needed to take good care of them.
Interesting post thanks for sharing! I always have issue with shoes i try to choose wider.We need to care out feet properly!
The width could be a deciding factor whether you are a healthy person yourself. Feet are the key for us, living in industrialized world.
I often wear narrow shoes because my feet are very wide. I make sure to never wear it long or change into it for style for times when I don’t need to move around much. very useful information overall
What is really the key to understand that even short bursts in time of wearing narrow shoes does damage to the nerves and tissues. But when you repeat it again and again, for short time wearing, it creates a powerful negative effect on your feet. And the rest become evident.
I will share this my wife. Glad that I don’t have to wear one cuz I’m a man.
I think the feet is the most ignore part of our body but yes, I agree that we must put some care for our feet and one of them is to choose the right shoes that best for you and that will give you a comfortable feeling..
You are right that feet are very much ignored until the pains and aches strike the body.
One of the self-care I do is to massage my own feet daily.
I never knew this about shoe width sizes! It makes me want to double check my shoes and make sure they’re not too tight!
If you cannot curl your toes inside the shoe, then the shoes are considered tight.
I’ve been there. I have some of the most beautiful designer shoes in the world that I cannot wear now. All packed up and stored away.
Thank you for sharing an informative post on geet health. Your points and pain caused are valid and I hope women learn to take care of their feet by going through your post
Usually, people realize it when it’s a bit later in the process. But better late than never.
It’s great to know about this. I try to go with wider shoes myself. I don’t think the narrow ones are that comfy anyways. I never knew it could do damage though.
I am so used right now to the shoes that have some toe wiggle room that I cannot sacrifice walking in stylish shoes no matter what. I have some amazingly looking designer shoes in the boxes stored away.
Shoes that fit are always important. I had ankle problems from wearing shoes that did not fit correctly
It’s interesting that ankle problems triggered your paying more attention to the source – your shoes. I am glad you’ve resolved it now.
Interesting! I always thought you should buy shoes based on the width of your feet. I have regular width, so I buy regular width. I didn’t know these facts.
Many of the facts in the post are not widely known. They become really close to our heart, so to say, when we’ve experienced a painful situation. I’ve been through this and now am going for the right shoes for my feet. And today, such shoes can be stylish and colorful.
I never really thought about buying narrow shoes and how it may impact my health. I usually buy wide with shoes anyway, due to comfort. I loved that you shared details so that others can pay attention to this one adjustment that could help them out.
I never wore too narrow shoes. But I do confess that style sometimes influenced my decision in buying the shoes.
Now, I know more and I choose my shoes carefully and with knowledge from my painful experiences.