When you think of comfort foods, what pops up in your mind? Pizza, pasta, ice cream and cookies? We eat comfort foods in times of stress, but consuming these foods tends to increase our stress levels and hunger even more. With that said, what if I was able to convince you to redefine your definition of comfort foods from a health standpoint? What if you could envision comfort foods as a way to lower general stress and make you feel balanced, calm and energized, all without the ingredients being detrimental to your health?
I obviously cannot do that within one article, but learning what foods and nutrients can provide you the constant energy release to keep blood sugar levels stable, fatigue decreased, and mood stable, is a start!
When we are stressed, our cortisol levels increase, triggering a conglomerate of negative side effects which include junk food and carb cravings, or “comfort food” cravings, as many would say. If you are looking for ways to lower cortisol levels with the help of nutrition, then read on!
Folate is one nutrient that helps fight depression, lowers blood pressure and is also an essential vitamin for expectant mothers. Eating a plant-based diet can increase your folate intake, since this vitamin is found in many fruits and vegetables. Foods like asparagus, avocado, lentils and citrus all contain folate.
Complex Carbs
Don’t discount carbs when it comes to weight loss or diets. In fact, I myself feel like I am my slimmest when I have complex carbs in the evening. Carbs like quinoa and brown rice will keep you feeling balanced and stabilized by keeping blood sugar levels neutral and stimulating the right hormones in our brains.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one nutrient that can help cut cortisol levels to combat stress. Not only do citrus fruits improve your immune system, their vitamin levels will help keep your mind at ease as well. Include oranges and berries in with your daily smoothies to get a boost of this stress-busting vitamin.
Studies show that niacin helps decrease anxiety and depression, as well as aiding proper sleeping patterns. Foods high in niacin include: almonds, dark leafy greens, mushrooms, salmon or tuna, sunflower seeds, and rice.
Even though I shared just a sliver of the food sources to lower stress, I’m hoping you have an idea of how these vitamins and minerals can keep your body healthy and a smile on your face. Next is to figure out ways to combine these foods to make meals that will satisfy both your tummy, and your brain.
Sarah Baker is a holistic health, nutrition and Image consultant focused on bringing vitality and balancing to her clients. Her consulting practice, Style Body Soul LLC, offers numerous programs suitable for various lifestyles, and her blog; Balanced Babe, focuses on nourishing recipes and daily tips to leading a vibrant fulfilling life.
37 thoughts on “Fight Stress Naturally the Healthy Way With These Superfoods”
Diet is so very important to not only how we look but how we feel. No wonder why after I have McDonalds I feel heavy and lethargic. I will def have to start buying foods based in Niacin as well because I love all those foods you mentioned!
I love super foods and I’ve been following healthy diets ( less meats and sugar) lately. I consume natural, non preservative, plant based and organic as possible
We’ve been doing a lot more blueberry and avocado in our diet, adding these in isn’t hard because they’re all delicious, you just have to make an effort to try.
I love adding berries in my meals for an extra kick of vitamin c! These are great tips.
I have been adopting this lifestyle for the past few months. Changing the way I eat, being proactive about stress triggers, exercising 6 days a week for at minimum half an hour. Not only is it helping me with weight loss, it is helping balance my stress levels. Yesterday, situations that would have triggered me in the past didn’t. I remained calm, resolved, and objective.
So thats why smoothies give me comfort! Vitamin C helps with stress will be adding more oranges to all of my smoothies!
Thanks for the great read. I’m terrible when it comes to stress and what I eat which in turn makes me feel worse.
Some great information to keep yourself up. Fighting stress in the natural way is the best idea & I agree superfoods plays a vital role in doing that. My husband always takes Watermelon, Blueberries & also at times honey mixed with Cinnamon, saying it helps a lot to stay relaxed.
I’m in a lot of stress lately because of work and a health issue. These are great tips!
Very interesting! I had no idea that folate could help fight depression.
I have no problems about drinking more water. I do need to eat more fruits.
Good advice and info. A good diet does help
Thanks for the wonderful advice! I love to snack on blueberries, plus I love how they have a wealth of benefits, including keeping stress at bay.
Blueberries are my favorite snack. Eating them frozen is a great way to stay cool. Food has a huge inpact on how you feel.
I have been trying to drink more water. It is so important to stay hydrated especially in this heat.
What we put in our body affects everything. I so agree with this article. I see that I need to increase raw nuts and leafy green veggies.
Omg what great tips! I had no idea foods could help out with stress!! Glad I know now 🙂
I love all these great tips. I definitely am guilty of getting stressed out a lot. I’m glad that I was able to read through this post. I drink water all the time but I know I could exercise more than I normally do. I have been eating veggies more often lately too, so I’m glad that helps too.
healthy eating really makes me feel better. all that processed food is terrible, i wish it were easier to find better foods
Adding Superfoods to your diet is the single most beneficial foods you can consume
I am a big fan of working out and eating right. It is so important to eat the right kinds of foods because they do make you feel that much better.
This is very interesting. My trick to relieve acute stress (like if you’re nervous before a performance) is to drink 4 ounces of water quickly, without taking a breath. It really works!
I need to drink more water. I am guilty of not keeping up with the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. I know about the benefits of folate and I guess aside from drinking more water, I would also load up on avocados. Thanks for this reminder to take better care of ourselves.
This post hit home for me. I’m usually quite stressed and definitely in need of losing a few pounds. One thing that I need to improve upon is increasing my water intake as well as incorporating more green vegetables.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Stress is a silent killer and it’s good to remain on top of it. Nutrition plays a huge part in your life. The better you eat the better you feel.
When I eat healthy, I really notice a difference in my energy level and my attitude. But I still gravitate toward junk food. 🙁
Just proof that if you educate yourself you can really turn your body and mind around with the right foods. I love superfoods!
This is good to know. I know I get enough Vitamin C and complex carbs but I should probably look into Niacin and Folate.
Great tips! I’ll take any stress reducers I can. Hopefully the weather will cool off and I will be back to normal again. 🙂
Very interesting but I would like to nite that as a diabetic you really have to watch the carbs and the fruit!! I do try and eat some but really have to be careful!
I try to stay away from junk, processed foods. Sometimes I indulge, but I always feel bad the next few days. Whole foods are so much better for us.
I’ve been trying to add more superfoods to my diet! I recently found a superfood salad mix with kale that I’m really enjoying!
Two of my favorite super foods are blueberries and pomegranates. Thank you for such an informative post.
I took a lot of classes in college that were geared towards heath and nutrition. It sounds as though you know your stuff, too. At least from what I can recall from my classes, you are right on when it comes to aiding stress relief naturally.
We love blueberries here at home. Quinoa, brown rice, mushrooms, kale, and other super foods are also our favorite. Thanks for the info, glad to know we are on the right track.
This was a really interesting read. I had no idea that certain foods could influence the way I felt in such a real way.