For those of you with the Weight Loss and Maintenance goals, do you know what your Exercise Target Heart Rate Zone is? Meaning, that you exercise to burn fat, not your heart muscle and other big muscles in your body?
After you review a quick guide on how to calculate your heart rate zone for your work outs, check out smart watches for women HERE. I keep the list updated, as it is my personal goal to use the best as of current situation.

Before you move on with the reading, check out unique, yet simple self care gifts for women that will keep your body strong and tuned up to your life’s needs.
How To Calculate Your Exercise Heart Rate Zone
You can use an easy Age-Based Formula. And here it is how to calculate your optimal heart rate zone for exercise.
STEP 1. Calculate your Maximum Heart Rate
220 – Your Age = Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR)
STEP 2. Calculate your Lower & Higher Targets during your exercise, keeping in mind the following:
– You build endurance, lose weight when exercising in the range of 60-70% of your Max Heart Rate
– You do weight management and work on improving cardio fitness when exercising at 70-80% of Max Heart Rate
Example: 40 yr-old person would like to find her Lowest and Highest Target Heart Rate Zones when she’s physically active.
220-40= 180, Max Heart Rate
180 x .60 = 108, Lowest Target Zone in Exercise which is optimal for weight loss and building endurance.
180 x .80 = 144, Highest Target Zone in Exercise which is optimal for weight maintenance and improving overall cardio fitness.
This 40-yr-old person should stay within the range of 108 – 144 for maximum benefit for her heart and overall fitness goals.
What is Your Target Heart Rate Zone? Calculate it Now!
Learning and knowing about your target heart rate, you will drastically improve your physical fitness and optimally maintain it throughout your lifetime.
111 thoughts on “Do You Exercise Within Your Target Heart Rate Zone?”
It is interesting that even though I exercise I really don’t think about my BMI or my Exercise Target Heart Rate Zone. And I should! Thanks for sharing this informative post! Learned something new 🙂
I didn’t now the magnitude of the importance in the information you provided. Me and my girlfriend thank yo for this, and will use it accordingly.
My max is 160
Low 96
High 128
I try to stay within this but don’t always check it
This is very helpful information; I know I should keep an eye on my heart because heart problems run in my family; thanks for posting!
I’m generally within my target weight and then some. Of course I feel that there is always room to do better. 🙂
Thanks for this! I know that it is something I should be doing.
This is very helpful information! It’s important to exercise within your target heart rate zone in order to lose weight and make sure you’re working your body, and your heart, as you should be. Thanks for this!
Interesting! Thank you for posting!
Interesting! I must find out more!
When I work out half of my workout is at Max. I love being able to check where I am at. I don’t want to burn my muscles.
well, i don’t but i should…not getting any younger and would like to feel better!
i did not know how to calculate this. Thanks!
I didn’t know about this.thanks so very much for sharing.
I wasn’t aware of any of this or what it even meant until I read this! I haven’t been working out as much as I should but I run or jog everyday. I probably do with my jogs!
I actually don’t. I just do it as much as I can and try to keep it steady. Didn’t even know there was a “formula” for this. Thanks for sharing!
I admit that I need to increase my workout intensity!
I swim 3 times a week and love doing it.
Thanks for the info.
I have not been exercising like I need to due to an accident. I am anxious to get better so that I can start again!
I don’t exercise at all. I tried to years ago and didn’t like it. Maybe the wrong workout, no idea.
I need to exercise for starters! Lol It would be good to know my target heart range.
Interesting article!
Max= 163
Low= 98
High= 130
I had no idea what it was, so thanks for the post!
My treadmill has a setting to calculate if your target heart rate is being used. I have never utilized it, but now I’m thinking I will.
I have some issues that cause my heart to pump faster normally, so I tend to max out my heart rate pretty quickly when exercising, even when I am not trying to!
Thanks for the great information!
My Asthma is so bad, I cannot run. Heart rate for exercising is important, thank you for this information.
I’m not sure I exercise within my target heart rate zone, but am interested in finding out. Usually, if I feel out of breath and tired after my workout, I’m satisfied.
Thanks for the great info
Woah I had I idea!!
My max is 179
Lowest is 107
Highest is 143
i never really exercise even though i should. so i didnt know about this information.its good to have it though.
mine is
175 max
105 lowest
140 highest
Very interesting. I remember learning this many years ago, but this is a great reminder!
My target range is 104 – 139.
my max is 188. i remember i used to do this when we were doing beachbody insanity.. but lately we haven’t been working out. oops!
My maximum heart rate is 179. It is important to be aware of this especially when you are very active.
This is a very interesting article. I have heard of it before but never knew how to calculate will for sure be doing now.
This is great info, esp. since I am just starting to exercise.
I learned how to figure out my target heart rate zone in my college health class and have used it ever since!
this is very interesting to know
I used to exercise within my target heart rate many years ago, however, I am unable to exercise heavy due to a bone disorder. I would not be able to find out my target rate now, but great information 🙂
I have a knee problem so I don’t exercise like I should.
I am disabled so therefore it difficult to do much of anything, much less exercise, so hitting the heart rate target zone would be a no.
I have the 180 max heart rate. I have never thought of checking this. I see the heart rate on the exercise machines I use, but never thought of how important they are. Thank you!
I don’t exercise–yep you read that correctly. I know I am bad bad bad–but since I hurt my shoulder at a gym I’ve sworn off it. I probably did at some point get my heart rate up there!
Thanks for this!! We are accountable to ourselves. Many just don’t know how important it is. I run 110 to 121 but that can vary depending sort of my weight and what I am doing– also seasonal too. But its a good idea to keep a check on it. Thanks for the reminder while I go out to work in the yard and cut a few limbs.
LOL! I’ve known about target heart rates because it’s how I found out about my heart problem back in junior high. I take beta blockers to normalize my heart rate but without them my resting heart rate is 130-140 bpm and slowly walking shoots it above 200. I should just stop taking my pills and then I’ll be at 60-70% of my maximum heart rate when I’m sleeping. 🙂 If only burning fat worked that way!
I had no idea you needed a target heart rate to burn fat, I’m sure this info can help a lot of people realize what they need to do.
Thank you for this informative post. I never knew how to figure my heart rate zone. This is going to motivate me!!! Thanks again!
No, I probably don’t. I know I should exercise more.
I have heard this alot. However, I must admit I never really consider my heart rate when exercising. On the other, I always do high intensity training so I guess in a way I’m doing it unconsciously. Great post
Thank you for sharing this. I exercise almost every day, but never thought much about my heart rate – and I should!
I need to make sure that I get into my target heart zone for my exercise to be beneficial! Thanks for the information. I am going to make sure I keep my exercise in my target heart zone!
Great information as i did not know this..
Ahh! I’m so guilty of working out and NEVER paying attention to my Target Heart Rate. I know it’s dangerous, but I always stop if I feel like I’ve been moving too hard. This makes me want to be more careful with paying attention while I’m exercising!
No I don’t exercise at my heart rate, but I know I should.
Thank you for sharing such informative information today Exercise is important to remain healthy!
I honestly never really thought about it, I run 5K the other day after 3 years of no running and I felt like my heart was going to explode. I am glad to learn my max is 192.
I truly have never done this. This is great to know! thanks for the info!
This is excellent information that I really needed. Thanks for posting this.
new info for me. Very interesting indeed.
I had no idea how to do this. Thanks!!!
My max is 178. I usually check my heartrate at doctors every three months.
178 Max
106.8 Low
142.4 High
My max is 188
167; L. 100; H. 133
max 177
high 141.6
low 106.2
thanks for the info
So interesting to know. I often wondered what the % on my LifeTrak C200 meant. My max is 188, lowest is 112.8 and highest is 150.4. Thanks for this information.
I guess the other ladies must be younger than me, their numbers are higher :}
I’m not sure if I did this right. I’m my MAX is 186, LOW 111, and HIGH 148?? Is that right? Sorry I’m new to this, but would really like to know, it could really help
Maximum Heart Rate 177
177 x .60 = 106.2, Lowest Target Zone in Exercise
177 x .80 = 142.6, Highest Target Zone in Exercise
Max of 186, goal range of 111 – 148.
I have no idea… 🙁
170 max
136 high
102 low
This is neat! Max – 195 High – 165 Low – 107
I have high bloooodd pressure so this will help thanks
103 …Low
137 …High
172… Max
Awesome …Thank you for the information …It will really come in handy for my entire family!
Amazing, Thank you for the Information. This will be great to share with my older daughters
180 max
103 low
150 high Thanks for the information on how this works
I am horrid at anything mathmatic..need someone else to caclulate it for/with me. Sorry. Being honest.
I love being able to calculate it this way! My Max is 166. So between 99.6-132.8.Pretty sure that’s very doable.
Hopefully, I can take heed to this the next time I go to the gym with a new LifeTrak device! lol
max 169
low 101
high 135
Hello! Thanks for the info! Mine is:
Maximum Heart Rate: 183
High= 146.4
Low= 109.80
this is great
good to know! thank you!
i used to know this but had forgotten thank you for reminding me!
My range is btwn 110-146.
had no idea about this! Thank you!
Wow this is interesting I didn’t know how to calculate it but I am going to get my calculator
I love this topic. It’s near and dear to my (target ) heart (rate). I purchased a monitor to measure my heart rate during exercise and found that I was going beyond my max rate. I was exhausted but not necessarily burning more calories, some more but not a lot. I adjusted the intensity to stay within my limits and found that I was not as exhausted and still burning sufficient cals. Now I always try to exercise with an HRM.
Thank you for sharing this experience with us all!
I started using Heart Rate Monitor about 15 years ago, and it made a huge difference where I am in my fitness level now.
First, I thought the harder I exercise, the better it was.
NOPE! I was burning my muscle tissue, not gaining strength or stamina.
Once I was introduced to the Heart Rate Target Zone concept, I started exercising Smarter, rather than Harder!
102-128 Thanks for the info. I had no idea how to figure this out on my own.
That’s how it came to me, this info, about 15 years ago.
Now, I share this Heart Rate Target Zone concept with anybody I can!
MAX 196
LOW 117.6
HIGH 156.8
194 max
116 low
155 high
185 max
111 low
148 high
Cool! Thanks for showing me!!
Mine is 111-148
The more scientific things are the better chance I have of being successful.
To get the rest of my blood work done, get my heart re checked to make sure its not gotten worse and to workout and take an adventure!
Thank you for this! I always have a hard time trying to figure where my heart rate should be when I am at the gym since it’s so vague on the machines.
Interesting information! I love anything that helps with my health.
im 18 lowest is 121.2 and my highest is 161.6 i have asthma and thyroid which makes things really tough to do most exercises…and my thyroid makes it really tough to even lost weight and stay healthier i have to do things 10 times harder than what a normal person would do to lose weight it makes things so hard for me sometimes with all these health issues it sucks sometimes…i also recently had gallbladder surgery in september so staying active is quite hard for me
Well, I’m at this stage in my life where I’m 21, over weight and not trying to have a heart attack. I would love this to monitor my hart right so that I know what to do to better my health in exerciseing. Good luck to the winner
106-142 for maximum health!
Yes I do know learned I’m 20 and I always check when I run with my dogs trying to be healthy
No I didn’t know this but glad I learned it
well- I AM a 40 year old woman and I like to stay within 108-115. I have asthma and makes certain exercise tough on the lungs more than the heart!! I cleaned black mold in my home and ended up collapsing my left one- no biggie- but I have to stay moving and im a big fitness fiend. My husband is a spin instructor so we are trying…
I had to learn this because I have Wolff Parkinson’s White … Love this theme though …Holds me accountable … Thank you <3