It is important to understand the cause of food accumulation. Most doctors believe the condition has two elements: the overindulgence in food and drink or an underlying deficiency in the primary organs of digestion, the Spleen and Stomach.
Consuming Rich Foods
The first cause is generally the most important for adults. When we eat rich and hard-to-digest foods, when we skip meals (or try to get by on a snack) and then overeat at the next one, we are all in danger of getting a bout of indigestion. Too often, we let busy schedules take precedence over regular meal times.
At other times, we may get ourselves in trouble by failing to understand what foods can be hard on our stomachs. That means that foods we often consider “healthy” can in some situations upset our stomachs.
Irregular Consumption of Food
The second issue, the underlying deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach, may often play a minor role in folks who frequently struggle with the problem of “food accumulation.” Repeated bouts of indigestion ultimately will injure the Spleen and Stomach making one all the more susceptible to future occurrences.
Dao’s Digestive Harmony can bring real relief to many of these above situations. It works according to the principle of “reducing and guiding” the food accumulation down and through the digestive tract.
Digestive Harmony
The first set of ingredients in the formula (山楂、神曲、萝卜子)are commonly used medicinals for gently “reducing” food accumulations and directing them downwards. These items are paired with another small formula (陈皮,半夏、茯苓), famous for treating dampness and phlegm in the abdomen.
Tangerine peel is widely used in Chinese medicine for digestive complaints and is particularly useful for promoting the proper flow of qi.

Tangerine Peel Is A Potent Ingredient for Digestive Supplementation
Pinellia breaks up phlegm (caused by congealed dampness) and has strong descending properties. Pinellia ternata is a common ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine combination products.
Poria drains dampness and strengthens the Spleen to allow it to more effectively move the body’s Fluids. This herb has a few other common names, such as Indian buead, China root, Fu Ling Pi, tuckahoe, Fu Shen, hoelen, and so on. Actually, this is a white fungus on wood, in particular on the roots of Japanese red pine and masson pine in the Pinaceae family.
Lastly, Forsythia buds are used in this formula to drain any internal heat that may result when physiological processes are blocked and obstructed. Other names of forsythia include Golden Bell, forsythia fruit, Forsythiae Fructus, Forsythia Suspensa Fructus, Forsythia Suspensa Vahl, Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae, and some others. Chinese have been using this herb for people susceptible to skin infections, e.g. boils, furunculosis, carbuncles, abscesses, and many more. If added into daily skin care, this herb can be also one of the most cost-effective ways for a number of skin problems, such as chafing, redness of the skin, acne, and overall skin inflammation.
Digestive Harmony Is One of Four DAO’s Wholesome Formulas

Wholesome Supplements Formulas
DAO Formulas Are Based on Chinese Ancient Medicine
More than a simple band-aid, a temporary respite from stomach discomfort, Dao Digestive Harmony is a very safe and effective tool for improving one’s digestive health. Too often, we mistakenly assume that our digestive troubles are “just” who we are, something we have to live with.
Digestive Harmony can be indispensable tool on the road to reclaiming digestive tranquility. It can offer immediate relief from indigestion, when our inner sense of moderation fails us. But when taken on a daily basis, perhaps for a week or two, it can also begin to correct on-going digestive issues.
One thought on “Digestive System Gets Support from DAO Digestive Harmony”
Looks like this supplement can help patch up that leaky gut