To go “green” within my entire household was “launched” about 10 years ago. Realizing that it may present difficulties in ways finding the right products for my entire family, I was determined to start my path on this eco-friendly life style.
Along the way, I met women who were doing the same thing alongside with me. Many have launched their earth-friendly products and succeeded tremendously. Even the mainstream companies started to take notice and implement small changes into their product lines and ways how their businesses function.
What I’ve learned that one of the major culprits of food contamination, allergies, “unknown” and very strange diseases in a human body could derive from using storage, utensils and cookware that have chemicals that are potentially hazardous to our living organism.
We are all too familiar with BPAs and PEGs and petroleum derivatives that are equally used in products like antifreeze and… baby bottles. Thankfully, the BPA-based products for kids have been reduced almost to nothing. And the companies proudly announce it on their packaging: BPA Free.
However, a lot of plastics we use in association with food are still not 100% safe. In addition, the environment suffers from millions of tons of plastic garbage dumped on our landfills annually.
The statistics by Clean Air Council stays that over 7 Billion pounds of PVC are thrown away in this country alone! It’s horrifying.
Only less than 1% of plastics are recycled each year.
What can we do to, first, improve this situation, and second, eliminate it completely?
Reuse and Recycle!
Take one step each day to improve the quality of your life by using a substitute for plastic in shopping needs and in packing kid’s lunches. Use reusable containers and bags for this purpose!
One of the biggest defenders of clean, organic lifestyle out there is the company called Eco•Ditty.
What Eco•Ditty has contributed to our society is totally organic packing bags and pockets for food. It could be a perfect organic wrap with any of Eco•Ditty’s products!
Check out their Snack, Lunch, and Sandwich bags! Amazing variety in color. Total determination for quality non-toxic packaging.
The woman behind these products is Jennie Hammers. With her entrepreneurial style, she wanted to offer to her daughter an alternative to eat her snacks and lunches without worries that they may have toxic residues on their surface.
She made it big into the market with her stylish Eco•Ditty line of products. I personally love them, use them and pack my toddler’s school lunch in them. What’s nice about eco•ditty bags is that they are washable and durable. 100% of each bag is made of Organic Cotton.
To make healthy choices for our bodies means that we reciprocate with the same response to our planet’s needs as well.
If you think that we can use the plastics continuously dumping it into our landfills, then think again. Simple steps like using a recyclable bag to the store and a washable container for lunches could truly make our lives richer and healthier indeed.
Vote for the products like Eco•Ditty in your daily life.
Celebrate That What Is Washable – Like Eco•Ditty!
If you wish to enter to win the whole set of Eco•Ditty products, you may enter it from HERE.