It seems like outdoor lights are usually underused in the daily life. We polled our audience, and they have pointed out the most desirable choices for the outdoor lights usage. Here they are.
Top 3 Choices For Use of Outdoor Lights
#1 We could use Solar Lights for… weddings and parties and any celebration that takes place at night. What are the benefits?
• Create Party festive ambiance
• Add some chic to the surroundings
• Allow people to navigate with ease in the outside space
• Amplify people’s mood
• Generate a feel-good attitude
#2 We could use Solar Lights for Kid’s projects. Which ones you ask?
• Magic Shows
• Halloween and Christmas Celebrations
• Science Projects
#3 We could use Solar Lights for practical everyday stuff like
• Add some light to the ground level
• Amplify our gardens and walks with the decorative motif like these lights are
• Create some peaceful moments for ourselves when looking at these lights and reflecting on our thoughts, day, events.
23 thoughts on “What Would Be Your Creative Use Of Outdoor Lights? Our Fans Voted For These Top 3 Choices”
I have a really cool cactus that is huge, which is odd to have one like mine in NC. Would love to have solar light around it!
We use our light on the path in our woods that lead us to your camper…
I would line our inground pool with them for night time swimming
I’d love to have these around my porch!
I would light up my walk way
I would use it for back porch area…
I would use them when we go camping to light our campsite at night.
All around the house would look beautiful!
I would use them in my pool area. We have lots of cookouts and pool parties when the weather is good. Great with having kids around. Would be much safer
In the summer we are outside really late. The lights can be placed in our yard to light up the backyard so we can continue our play longer.
light up my driveway so I can see it better!
I would like solar lights in my front yard along my house
I think it would be really cool to line my driveway with them. I have a tear shaped drive so that would look really neat. Brylane Home also has some other neat solar sidewalk lights that I just love.
I live in the middle of nowhere, so there are no streetlights, and my outside light recently broke. These would be very handy for the times we come home after dark and need to get up the path and into the house safely.
I love all the ideas in the article and that everyone has come up with.
We are considering starting a new lifestyle at this point in our lives. We’re thinking of selling the house and RVing full time. These would be great to have at campsites, where we aren’t familiar with our surroundings. I have also taken solar lights apart before, and used the parts to make mason jar lamps for tables…..I think that would be great to have inside an RV for the times we’ll be away from electrical sources and want to save our battery power. The same idea would work for inside tents if you have the type you can turn off when you’re ready to sleep.
I could use them on my darkened walkway! Thanks!
I would use them to light up my walkway
I would use them around my kids swing set and trampoline!
I’d use them to light a safe path for my elderly father in law in the backyard..
I’d add them around where we have our roses planted so they are highlighted at night too!
I would put them all around my new deck.
Really we would just use them to light up the walkway.
My friend is planning an a surprise party for her husbands birthday and it is going to be outside cookout/bonfire… And I would love to give this to them as a gift because …. Well I accidently ran theirs over one night I’m a bad driver lol I haven’t had the time or money to find good deals on these and I think it would give them a laugh remembering the night this happened!
I would light up my drive way and sidewalk or maybe even my flower bed.. love pretty lights in my yard