This month has been already an overwhelming event for me. Being known for its Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention, I make a huge point to remind myself and those around me, – my audience included, – of the importance of self-education and breast self-exam. These little things help – they save lives.
The many stories we hear are from women who were reminded to practice self-exams which led to early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
My PINK month this year is about Illuminating myself through my business and things I do the best, reaching out to those who have been through breast cancer diagnosis and willingly share their HOW-TOs of pulling out of the moments of blackness and dead ends.
What strikes in those powerful stories and becomes a pattern is how these women found light and support in their lives. Another leading similarity throughout these stories is that those women dedicated their energy to their DREAMS and built them into sustainable businesses and life support for other in similar situations.
Today, I am sharing a passionate Haralee Weintraub who shares her strength she found while thinking through her business to serve all women with breast cancer. Read on.
Breast Cancer October Relay
Illuminate. Encourage. Shine!
Campaña de Concientización Contra el Cáncer de Mama.
Alienta. Incentiva. Brilla!
I had a career as a pharmaceutical rep. I knew the screening process and benefits of yearly mammograms. I was never more than a month overdue with my screening since I turned 40. I actually sold some women’s health drugs, and my primary doctor was someone I called on for years.
Because of my familiarity, my doctor pointed out the mammogram was clear and wanted to send me immediately to a surgeon. She asked me who I wanted to go to since she knew I called on surgeons and I gave her a name. My doctor called the surgeon’s office and told them I would be driving over today and asked to fit me in. The surgeon, someone I also knew professionally, looked at my mammogram, pulled down a book and pointed out that I had text book perfect breast cancer. This all happened on a Monday. Friday of the same week I was in surgery having chosen a lumpectomy.
I was lucky because with my background and familiarity I didn’t have the waiting schedule that is devastating to many women. I had a good friend who had a mastectomy. I knew I wanted to start out with the least intrusive surgery possible.
The following week I called and told all my friends and coworkers and the company I worked for about my cancer. This was something easy for me to do but I know many women are uncomfortable telling people about their health issues.
I had another surgery and 6 months of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation. During this time I was working part time. In hind sight I should have taken a 7 month leave of absence. I think I was pushing myself too much to retain some normalcy that of course no longer existed. Bottom line is I made it through to the other side of completed treatments.
Once I started chemotherapy I was thrown into menopause with drenching night sweats. I tried everything my team of doctors could think of but nothing helped. I wasn’t sleeping well because I was waking up wet and cold. I reasoned that if this was happening to me it must be happening to many women in the same situation. The seed of wicking sleepwear was born.
I made a prototype nightgown out of old bike shorts I had in my drawers. It worked, and I was on to find more sleep-friendly fabric. I made several more prototypes and brought one to a breast cancer support group I joined. They went wild with enthusiasm!! I then knew I was on to something – a problem solution product.
It took me 18 months after my first chemo infusion and initiation to menopause before I started my company. Since it is my company, I set my values to it. I culled the best practices I experienced from working with Fortune 500 and 100 companies and incorporated them into my own company.
• We are made in the USA.
• Our models are breast cancer survivors or once removed, daughters, sister, cousins and friends.
• We give a portion of every sale to breast cancer research. During October we double our charitable contribution.
Going through cancer I looked carefully at my professional life, and I knew I wanted more.
I wanted to leave a legacy of helping other women get through their breast cancer journey comfortably.
I enlisted friends and family to join my company. If they were supportive – they were on board; if not – I did not pressure them. My husband, Mother, sister, and many friends have really stepped up to be helpful in all aspects of my company. My doctors have also been sources of leads and support.
Breast Cancer October Relay
Illuminate. Encourage. Shine!
Campaña de Concientización Contra el Cáncer de Mama.
Alienta. Incentiva. Brilla!
RETWEET For Your Support & Inspiration
Story of @Haralee & Her Idea To Keep Hot Women Cool #1SaveTaTas #HeartThis #BreastCancerAwareness
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) October 6, 2017