Balance Bike Giveaway
Dec 11-18, 2017
Open to US
One more gift giving idea for this holiday season – a Balance Bike for a little one in your family circle. With a push bike, children are able to focus on the most important part of riding a bicycle – balance.
If a child learns how to ride on a pre-balanced bicycle such as a bike with training wheels or a tricycle, they become too dependent on them and develop bad riding habits. In addition, these riding styles don’t offer the same riding experience as a Balance Bike. They can easily get stuck on gravel or corners causing frustrations for kids. A push bike is made to ride exactly like a bicycle, no getting stuck on rough terrain or trouble turning corners.
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One of the great things about push bikes is that they allow each child to learn and progress at a pace that they are comfortable with. As kids gain confidence, they will feel encouraged to balance on two wheels. If they ever lose balance, they can simply place their feet back on the ground.
The ultimate goal with any kids training bike is to help kids make the transition from their first bike to a bicycle. With these toddler bikes, that transition is made almost effortlessly. Not only will children love practicing, but they will have control over safety and be able to take charge of their learning speed.
A Balance Bike is a bicycle without pedals that helps children learn counterbalance and steering at an early age. It is the perfect first bike for any child. Enter to win one!
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Ends at 11:59pm EDT on DECEMBER 18, 2017
13 thoughts on “Balance Bike for More Fun And Real Skill Development”
I like the blue. I was 7 when I learned to ride without training wheels.
I have just the little munchkin to give this to! Pink is such a bright perky color.
I would choose a pink bike. Thanks.
I would go with the blue balance bike.
I choose blue, because that is my daughter’s favorite color. I have been really wanting a balance bike for her. She has a little sister that is 2 years old that can grow into it too. 🙂
I think I was around 4!
I was 6 when I first learn how to ride a bike.
I was about 6 when I could ride my bike without training wheels. I almost ran the postman over the 1st time I tried, so I was scared to try again. My Dad convinced me to give it another shot and I finally did. It worked. I was happy but not as happy as our postman.
I was five years old when I learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Both my kids were five when they learned as well.
I was around 8 when I started learning how to ride a bike.
I was seven
I think it took me awhile. I would say I was at least 8 years old before I was really comfortable riding a bike.
I’m so excited that you are giving away a balance bike! It’s #1 on my wish list for my daughter. She has issues with balance, gross motor planning and has low muscle tone. She didn’t walk until she was 2 1/2 years old. She is now 4 1/2 years old and cannot pedal a bike. Several people have told me that a balance bike would really help her. Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize!