BAD MOMS Come to the Big Screen
July 29, 206
We don’t need to wait to let go and just be ourselves! We are MOMS. We do a ton of things every day. We carry a thousand responsibilities on our shoulders. We mean the world to many. But sometimes, we just need to let it all go and stop and smell the roses. Yep, you and I need to find 5 precious minutes every day to keep sanity and being truly BAD MOMS for everyone involved!
We are going to interview these Awesomest and Wildest MOMS ever this coming Friday:
- Mila Kunis
- Kathryn Hahn
- Christian Applegate
- Annie Mumolo
- Suzanne Todd, the producer (Alice through the Looking Glass, Now & Then, Austin Powers, Alice in Wonderland)
- Jon Lucas & Scott Moore, writers and directors
Follow Celebrate Woman Today on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter about all these events and an exciting interview series with my hashtag #BadMoms.