Kelly McNelis is the founder of Women For One (Wf1), a global community of women from more than 50 countries that supports women in sharing their stories, claiming their voices, and making life happen, on their terms. Women For One is a destination for women who are ready and willing to make life happen. She travels the world as a speaker, teacher, and facilitator of workshops, helping others tap into lives powered by truth.
It seems simple, doesn’t it – telling the truth? Well, in a world ready to judge at the click of a mouse, it’s a lot easier to create stories that keep us safe. But safety keeps us stalled, while the truth makes us nimble, powerful, and creative. Kelly’s dedication to truthtelling helps people in search of more to realize their own personal truths and to share their stories with the world. Through sharing, we find inspiration, community, and can create action that aligns our future with what we know it can be.
Meeting women who struggled with the same experiences and questions about fulfillment prompted Kelly to write her first book, Your Messy Brilliance – 7 Tools for the Perfectly Imperfect Woman. It challenges harmful myths about perfection, shame and guilt while providing a personalized roadmap to empowerment.
She’s not just a successful entrepreneur, speaker and author. With over 20 years of experience as a nonprofit and small business consultant and trainer, Kelly has worked with governmental agencies; county, state, and national lawmakers and policymakers. She has helped some of the most powerful people in the country develop and implement strategies to streamline their businesses and work more effectively and successfully.
She is excited to be one of the many voices behind Women For One, empowering generations of women around the world to build relationships, community, and the support structure they need to recognize and achieve their dreams. Kelly’s life work has been all about providing an environment for women to experience genuine sisterhood, community, and collaboration.
She finds her own daily inspiration in spending time with her husband and children in their home outside of Seattle.
Embrace Your Power Within
Author Kelly McNelis Offers To Embrace Our Power As Women #HeartThis #Women #Authors
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) November 7, 2017
• Read A Bit from Her New Book of “Your Messy Brilliance”
• HOW-TO Live with the Messiness of the World: TIPS!