Anki Is All About Making Artificial Intelligence Accessible
To Everyone
Anki OVERDRIVE® Is One Of The Consumer Robotics Amazements!
We are all enamored by cool, helpful, problem-solving and even heroic robots, androids and droids with artificial intelligence that pushes human race through the stars and into a deep space and tests humanity and its emotional side in powerful and soul-ripping ways.
Take our beloved Star Wars R2-D2 played by Kenny Baker (who just passed away in August 2016) and a new K-2SO played by the amazing Alan Tudyk in Rogue One – these robots are more than an ensemble of bolts and metal. They are true companions to their human Space explorers and Freedom fighters. These androids fulfill their missions and intelligently stand by to sacrifice themselves to represent those by whom they were sent. Being a huge Star Wars fan, you gotta go see Rogue One: The Star Wars Story to truly embrace what this powerful series is all about. More than a Hero Quest. More than unending battles of machines.
What Anki OVERDRIVE® brings to us is a compilation of artificial intelligence and entertainment in their toys and games that raise our own awareness about the world around us and propel us into the future in familiar and careful ways – through a play.
Anki OVERDRIVE® is a flexible and powerful way to gain prospective what is out there, in that artificial intelligence, that is becoming so important to to be grasped and incorporated into our ways of life and being.
The cars, i.e., robots with artificial intelligence, are amazing and can be upgraded like any robot!
Welcome Ground SHOCK to the Family
And This Is SKULL
Shock and Skull are more than just cars manipulated from the app on your smart device! They learn and become better with each and every race you take, with every strategy you devise for them. That is so exciting to experience what we are used to from the distance on the screen!
Weapons and defense mechanisms can be customized to each game. You choose a drive type, a strategy to outsmart any car around you.
The Anki OVERDRIVE® Starter Pack
Build up to 8 battlefields with this Starter Kit!
This set of Anki OVERDRIVE® comes with 4-car charging platform that gives us ability to build an increase our supercars fleet.
What the company has done in a smart way is allowing us to build any combination of tracks on which cars will be strategically racing. There are track risers that allow to raise certain portions of the terrain. There are 90 degrees curved track pieces that take a racing track into a different direction from a straight line. What is so exciting to us is that those race tracks can be expanded in a such affordable way! Just buy then separately to add to your existing tracks collection.
Each piece has Infra-red encoding patterns embedded in the track, with an IR transparent ink top coat for traction and protection. The codes serve as markers of lane position (there are 16 possible lanes), and track piece type and orientation. The Supercars translate this information to determine where they are in relation to the overall track, how fast they’re moving, and which direction they’re headed.
Watch This Amazing Artificial Intelligence in Action!
Wanna Be In A Driving Seat? PLAY ANKI OVERDRIVE!
#AnkiOVERDRIVE Brings Robotics Into Our Real World. Every Game Is A Battle of Strategies, No Less! #MyWOWgift
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) December 29, 2016
20 thoughts on “Anki OVERDRIVE ® Brings Robotics Into Our Real World”
I checked this out a couple of months ago and I must admit it is cool. My son has this on his Christmas list, to date he still hasn’t gotten it.
These sound so cool! I know my son would love them, he is really into robotics and into cars: what a perfect combo!
my one son is really into robotics he is even in the robotics club at school! I think he would for sure love this!
Wow, Anki OVERDRIVE® sounds like such a fun toy! I would have LOVED these when I was a kid.
Noe these look like FUN!! I know my nephews would have a BLAST playing with these!
This Anki overdrive looks like a really fun gift. I have 4 boys and I know they would all love this so much. Thanks for sharing this review.
Now this looks like so much fun – I think even I would have great fun putting this together and playing with it! x
This looks like it would be a blast to do with my stepson,he loves the idea of AI ,and things that we can sit down and do together
This looks like so much fun! We’re expecting our first son (in a few weeks, actually!) and my husband would for sure LOVE to play something like this with him (when he’s older, of course).
How cool is this? I am fascinated by AI. Ground Shock looks like a cool little car.
Those are really cool. My son would love those. This would be a nice gift for boys.
My son and my big kid, the husband would really enjoy these cars. They look like a lot of fun!
I have a 14 year old son who I know would LOVE this. Those cars look so awesome and I think they’d keep him busy for hours. I’m sure my husband would jump in, too!
These cars are so awesome! I think they would be so much fun to have! My girls would love these.
I bet my son would love this. It looks really fun to play, and it could be fun for family time, as well.
This really looks like so much fun and I bet my son would love it. His Birthday is soon so I’ll be seeing if this is something he wants 🙂
When my family was watching Rouge One, I leaned over and whispered to my husband that I needed a K-2S0 in my life. I know my grandkids would love these robotic cars. They would make great birthday gifts.
Now this is a cool system! My son would actually love this. It gets his brain moving and there is no screen time just total creativity.
That is so cool! I LOVE that so many toys are focusing on STEM these days. Even the ones that aren’t overtly STEM have a lot of STEM principals to them.
This looks like a great way to have family time that’s not in front of the screen. So anything like this, I love! I don’t have anyone that I can think of that is the age range for this, but I’ll have it in mind! Thanks for sharing!