With a magical celebration of the 75th Anniversary of BAMBI this year, we would like to spotlight some of the magic that takes place behind the scenes. In that far year of 1942 when Disney released its classic BAMBI, what was done in the animation was short of magic.
Animators were like scientists! They broke things, poured buckets of water, and did a ton of other interesting things in order to capture the most delicate movement of objects, animals and plant world on paper, that later would be translated into animation.
Moulds & Sketches from Disney Archives
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One More Archival Episode of Wildlife Animation
HOW-TO Draw Bambi And Thumper Worksheet
A Personal Story from Walt Disney on His Daughter
Diane’s Reaction to BAMBI
Share Your Personal Joy & Fond Childhood Memories of BAMBI!
HOW-TO Animation Techniques And Research in #BAMBI #HeartThis Disney Classic https://t.co/zeRfEqCo0x pic.twitter.com/IIJ2QxcGNw
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) June 8, 2017
Pick Up Your Own BAMBI Blu-ray DVD for Home Library
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