Check out an interesting experiment using an aluminum free deodorant for women. Doing something different in your beauty routine can be frightening and doubting at times. Here’s what Michelle Carlton thought of her new routine of switching to a new, all-natural, aluminum free deodorant in her life.
Mind one huge factor – baby steps will guarantee your any new routine to survive in your life.
Baby powder: That’s what my first deodorant smelled like. It was the same kind my mother used: an anti-perspirant stick. I didn’t care – I was just thrilled that she let me choose the scent. I still think of 7th grade gym class whenever I catch a whiff of that baby powder smell.
In the years since junior high I’ve changed up the scents, but the basics have stayed the same. Which is a shame: Deodorant itself has gone through plenty of innovations since my first stick.
Aluminum, which manufacturers have long added to antiperspirants because it blocks sweat glands, often absorbs into the skin. Natural deodorant, on the other hand, doesn’t try to stop the natural act of sweating. Instead it contains natural ingredients to absorb odors and inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria.
I always read ingredient labels and strive to avoid excess ingredients in my food and makeup. I can’t believe I had never looked at my deodorant the same way. To break my habit, I decided to go one week using only aluminum-free deodorant.
Check out the key ingredients in the Mineral Salt Deodorant and know what they’re for.
Aluminum Free Deodorant for Women Experience
Day 0: The purchase of aluminum-free deodorant
Before I could make the switch, I had to choose a natural deodorant. I found plenty of options at my regular drug store. After spending an embarrassing amount of time smelling all the options, I chose a citrusy scented, aluminum-free deodorant that promised 24-hour protection.
Check a rich collection of aluminum free deodorant for women HERE.
Day 1: Off to a good start!
Full disclosure: I tend to overheat at the slightest hint of warm temperatures, and I can get pretty sweaty in my day to day life. For my first day of the natural deodorant test drive I opted to wear a lighter shirt just in case my sweat glands went on overdrive. But by the end of the day I was still feeling fresh. Success!
Day 2: Under the gun
This was the first real test: An incredibly stressful day at work, coupled with a heavy sweater. I was on the edge of my seat all day working on a last-minute project, and spent most of the afternoon overheating at my desk. Although I found that I sweat more than I had with my old anti-perspirant, I still felt completely fresh and the scent lasted all the way through my deadline.
Day 3: The first gym visit
After a full day at work, I went to my weekly kickboxing class. This is a pretty intense workout and I was nervous that I’d be wishing for my anti-perspirant. But by the end of the hour-long sweat session I was sweaty, but no stinkier than usual. Nothing a post-gym shower couldn’t fix!
Day 4: Taking it easy
After the workout yesterday I was happy to take today easy. I’m getting used to reaching for the natural deodorant instead of my old option, and am very happy with the scent I chose. The lemon smell really works to nix out any odor that may pop up throughout the day.
Day 5: Over the hump!
Today I went to the gym before my morning shower, which meant I was going on 24+ hours without reapplying. Just in case, I added an extra swipe under each arm before hopping on the treadmill. I’m not sure whether it was the second layer of deodorant or if it the previous day’s application would have sufficed, but either way I felt fine all the way through my workout.
Day 6: 17 hours and still going strong
Today was a long one. I applied the aluminum free deodorant for women in the morning and knew it had to last me from an early-morning meeting through a late dinner out with friends. Despite some mid-afternoon sweating from the high heat in my office lunch room, I felt good all the way through bedtime.
Day 7: Feeling fine!
I’ll be honest: Before this experiment I was worried that I might end up being “that” person in my office, gym class, and at home. But I’m pleasantly surprised at how great I feel! Plus I love the great scent, the odor protection, and the all-natural ingredients.This experiment has been an all-around success!
If you are on the fence whether to give it a try to an aluminum free deodorant for women, I’d say go for it!
29 thoughts on “7 Days of Aluminum Free Deodorant”
Thanks for sharing this very informative article… I need to check the label of my deodorant.
I’m a big chicken to try this first. Now that you’ve tried it though, I’m bending a little on doing so myself. 🙂
This is something I will have to try- aluminum-free deodorant. Thanks for sharing about your experience
Ever since i switched deodorants that don’t have aluminum i feel so much better. great information.
It’s good to know it worked well for 7 days. I’m always hesitant to try the natural ones because I’ve heard so many don’t work.
I honestly didn’t know that Aluminum was a common ingredient in deodorant. I’m not sure how I feel about sweating more, since that is the main reason I use deodorant, but I would be willing to give it a try.
I am a firm believer in green living as well. Converting your home and daily personal needs is so important, and people just don’t realize the harmful effects these things can have on us and our families!
I never understood the difference until I switched and it is so much more effective and gentle
If I made the switch to natural deodorant, it would have to live up to the test. My first deodorant experience was around 7th grade too. I used the ban spray just like my dad. Of course, that disappeared a long time ago. Now I stick to a few brands.
Yes! I went through this dilemma when I was pregnant and decided to go all natural for my baby. Nice that you found something that truly works for you. I was worried about what you would say in the end. lol!
Oh wow I had no idea! Gross! I will have to check out our deodorants in our home.
I just gave up wearing aluminum deodrant because something strange was happening to my armpits! I really need to get used to the natural deodorant though bc I do smell different haha
I need to get back to aluminum free deodorant. It usually takes me about 2 weeks to get over the effects of always use aluminum, before I feel confident in using natural deodorant. But then I love the results of being free of aluminum.
I made the switch a very long time ago and and actually took my kids on a shopping field trip when they were in middle school to teach them how to buy natural deodorant and read the labels to avoid certain ingredients. There are more natural deodorants to choose from now so it makes it easier to find something that works great.
I can’t use deodorants with aluminum in them. When they block the glands, they really block them for me. I get terrible pain.
I really love Toms of Maine products. It’s important to me to choose products that are gentle on our planet.
I loved the baby powder scent when I was younger. I’ve had a couple of deodorants that I felt didn’t work, it’s an awful feeling.
I did not know most deodorants has aluminium in them to block sweat glands, thanks for this info i need to check what mine has.
Being “that” person is kinda bothersome. It makes one conscious and limited. Thanks for what you’ve shared, I’ve learned something about aluminum in deodorants. Kudos!
I am so glad to hear that this one works for you because for some reason it doesn’t work well for me. Maybe I should give it a try again.
This is some pretty interesting stuff here! I might just have to try an aluminum free deodorant. Can’t see what the harm would be in trying 😉
We fortunately don’t really need to use deodorant! Thanks for sharing though – we’ll definitely share with friends who do.
That sounds healthier to use. It’s great to know about the aluminum in deodorant so thank sa lot for sharing this.
I am glad that you have found something that is working for you. I don’t know if I could mine up, but I know that aluminum-free is a healthier choice.
I have always loved the scent of baby powder. In fact, up until now I choose that scent when I buy deodorant, I have tried the aluminum free one.
I didn’t know that aluminum could get absorbed into the skin like that. I use one that helps balance my ph, but I have no idea if it’s aluminum free or not. I like it because it doesn’t mask the odor, it stops it. I’ll have to look at the label now.
What an interesting post that I was interested in seeing what happened from day to day! I found when I went aluminium free, seemed the odor underarms was not masked and I was a lot fresher me!
The wetness really bothers me, so I’ve always hesitated to try just a deodorant. I’d like to go aluminum-free, but that’s what makes me nervous.
That is good that it is working so well for you. I had a friend tell me she didn’t like it so I’ve been afraid to try it. I will have to give it a go!