Yet again a new batch of useful, entertaining, supportive information and facts for today’s daily DoZe.
We are bringing together some great articles that not all of you have seen or read. Lot’s of facts to consume and reflect upon. But it’s done easier when everything is in “one place.”
So, we did it for you, our Audience!
Lifestyle and Health Facts
6 Secrets To Getting Up for Morning Workouts
Just one more source to bring more motivation to your daily life and allow your mind to stay open to new ideas.
7 Worst Ingredients In Food
Did you know that over 3,000 various food additives, colorings, preservatives, and what-not are added to the all-American foods? If it is a yes or a no, check at least for the 7 Worst Ingredients that you can and should avoid in your daily living.
The Only Way To Defeat The Food Industry: Cook More
Great discussion from a person like you and I who makes a valuable point of cooking for our children. Wonderfully done article.
Curious, Fun And Funny
Self-Cleaning Dishes Never Need A dishwasher Or A Sponge
Simply amazing technology that could bring us a lot of savings in natural resources and open up more time for doing other things than doing the dishes!
Watch this video to see where the self-cleaning concept comes from!
81 Movies To Watch In 2014
As we are in at the beginning of the 2014 and are looking forward to the best of things in many areas of our lives, here’s the list of some of the best pieces of cinematography that would bring you rich variety and good times in the coming year.
11 Reasons To Bring Back Landlines In 2014, Seriously
It may sound like a medieval thing to do, but the article does such discussion in a lively entertaining format. Lot’s of pictures!
Watch this Amazing Video How A Little Boy’s Dancing With A Street Performer Puts On Greatest Show Ever!
Check Out More Of The Daily DoZe of Facts and Useful Information