I love the colors and the spirit of the Easter busy season when everybody is trying to outdo each other in a very good positive way! There are DIY projects and craft ideas for anyone! These mason jar crafts make affordable and cute gift ideas for anybody in and outside your family.
My family is known to make the cakes and bakes with the out-of-this-world taste! The recipes are old family tradition that is being transferred from mother to daughter for several generations. That is something to celebrate!
What would be your delight this Easter season? What bakes and crafts are you going to pursue?
For me, I love something easy I could do with my kids. Together, we always have some fun! Here are our best tested with mason jars.
Top 5 Easy To-Do Craft Recipes
Amazingly Cute Easter Bunny Mason Jar Crafts by Icing Designs
This is a really cool mason jar that could become anything, if you wish! Fill it with candy, Robin eggs, chocolates and on you go! In addition, be creative with your tag around this awesomely cute craft idea for a personalized gift. Make something personal, like a pictures of yours adorned with a few studs or paper creatives made by kids or yourself. This DIY project has no boundaries and is suitable for anyone. You can make it your own in how far you can go with color, shape, and messaging!
Desserts Like Robin’s Eggs In A Beautifully Arranged
Gift Mason Jar by Dixie Delights
When it comes to simple, yet elegant gifts – check out this mason jar creation!
Again, be colorful and personable where it allows you to be. Involve kids in filling the inside of each jar, encourage them to be unique and add their charm to the holiday spirit.
Ester Mason Jar Centerpiece by Just Another Day In Paradise
If you’d like something Easter-ish inside your house or even to decorate your porch – these mason jars filled with spring flowers and plants could be a GO for you!
Very easy to do. Just prep up your greens and get some spray paint! A Center Piece or a By-Door floral ensemble would be a perfect addition to your Spring and Easter mood.
Easter Gift Jars by Bits & Pieces
When it comes to candy on Easter or Halloween or Christmas, it could be overwhelming indeed.
What you could create as a family affair is making Gift Jars filled with your favorite candy and sweets or anything you desire. Then take these beautifully arranged and decorated DIY project pieces to any party. They will be a hit! Again, you can make them easily at a minimum cost. But the memories you are going to have while making each gift are guaranteed!
Easter Strawberries Dipped In Chocolate by Cute DIY Pins
This project with Strawberries covered in Chocolate is fun to do with your family. Allow your children to either choose a theme or color preference on those plump strawberries! Or encourage them to come up with other ideas that are not evident at first sight. The strawberry fantasia would be a fabulous addition to your Easter celebration!
What is Your Next Crafty Project for this Easter Season?
Mason jar crafts don’t need to be expensive or hard to do. What really plays a role here is your time spent in peace and creative mood of doing and making things. And being involved with your family. Doing things together brings you closer to each other and gives you one more precious moment within a busy, many times hectic life.
3 thoughts on “5 Easy DIY Craft Ideas With Mason Jar for Easter Season”
The nice thing about mason jars is they are not that expensive. BUT if you go to goodwill or thrift stores you can get some get deals. I like to check out ideals and file them away for when I am in need and these are some great ideals.
The colorful chocolate covered strawberrys would make a great school snack!
Love the painted mason jars! you can do so much with these jars. I use them for food recipes, gift giving, and even candles.