This is the last day of the 2013 Year.
What has it been to you? For you?
What joys and tribulations have you experienced this year?
Today, we’ve got 4 articles that may produce a profound effect on you and what you may do next year. Most importantly, how you will choose to feel next year: About yourself, your health, your living environment.
Happy 2014 Year to You And Your Loved Ones!
Lifestyle and Health Facts
The 16 Habits of Exuberant Human Beings
Some theorize that 60% of our human happiness is determined by our genetics and external environment, yet 40% of personal joy arrives from what we make with ourselves and our lives. This AMAZING article would give you a huge boost for your day and for the next New Year. If you have a few minutes, just read this one article, and you’ll be thankful you did.
30-Day Plank Challenge
My personal view is to make small steps in life when it comes to changes. Why wait for something to appear, when an active involvement, your personal doing, can produce results EXTRAORDINNAIR! This article has a 30-day schedule for a stronger, healthier body core of yours! Starting from 20 seconds, you can – and you will when you do it daily – achieve a 5-minute plank! Go for it!
Some Bacterial Live For Long Periods On Toys, Books, Cribs. Study
Serious infections can occur from ‘out-of-the-blue.’ To give you an idea what happens in this life, where humans and microorganisms live so close to each other. Take a few moments to find out where those serious pathogens reside in your home and how to get rid of them.
Pets and Animal World
Cat Guards And Loves His Human Brother
Animals are magical. Magical not only in their expression towards us, humans, but also producting a rainbow of emotions and feelings when they’re around.
These few photos of a Cat who took after a baby to protect and guard him are inspiring and emotional. Let’s celebrate our love and compassion towards ALL animals.
Want A Louder DoZe Of Facts, Thoughts, Opinions? Move Over Here.
2 thoughts on “From 16 Habits of Exuberant Human Beings to 30 Day Plank Challenge. #CelebrateWomanFACTS”
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